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发表于 2007-2-5 18:52:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2007年2月4日晚8点,吉他大师佩佩.罗梅洛(Pepe Romero)和温哥华交响乐团(VSO, Vancouver SymphonyOrchestra)的音乐会在温哥华美丽的Orpheum Theatre举行. 主要曲目就是罗德里戈(JoaquinRodrigo)的阿兰胡埃斯吉他协奏曲(Concierto de Aranjuez). 指挥是卡尔加里爱乐乐团(CalgaryPhilharmonic Orchestra)的音乐指导Roberto Minczuk.

Orpheum Theatre是座传统欧式风格的两层剧院,装饰非常典雅华丽,各种柱饰和圆拱,雕像,壁画,灯饰等散发着巴罗克和古典时代的欧陆风情.观众几乎满员,各种年龄层次的都有,大部分都身着晚礼服(有个朋友说我穿马褂去...哈哈), 就算是一些看发型是标准太妹型的teenage,也变得细声细语,一些老先生老太太的打扮和举止令人宛若回到了几个世纪以前.  


管弦乐: Emmanuel Chabrier(1841-1894)根据自己的钢琴作品改编的管弦乐作品Espana (VSO) (Emmanuel Chabrier: 西班牙)
吉他与小型乐队: Joaquin Rodrigo(1901-1999) Concierto de Aranjuez (VSO, Pepe Romero) (罗德里戈: 阿兰胡埃斯吉他协奏曲)

吉他独奏: Issac Albeniz(1860-1909): Recuerdos de viaje, Op. 71: Rumores de la caleta (Pepe Romero) (I.阿尔贝尼斯:[size=-1] 海湾的喧嚣) 
吉他独奏: Joaquin Malats(1872-1912): Serenata espanola (Pepe Romero) (马拉斯: 西班牙小夜曲)
吉他独奏: Francisco Tarrega(1852-1909): Capricho arabe (Pepe Romero) (塔雷加: 阿拉伯风格奇想曲)
吉他独奏: Celedonio Romero(1918-1996): Fantasia cubana (Pepe Romero) (塞勒多尼奥.罗梅洛 - 佩佩.罗梅洛的老师和父亲: 古巴幻想曲)
答谢观众增加曲目: 吉他独奏: Francisco Tarrega(1852-1909): Recuerdos de la Alhambra (Pepe Romero) (塔雷加: 阿尔罕伯拉宫的回忆)
管弦乐: Georges Bizet(1838-1875) Carmen: Suite (VSO) (比才: 卡门组曲)

管弦乐"西班牙"和"卡门组曲"反映了指挥Roberto Minczuk和VSO的高超水准,我前几年夏天都听过VSO的音乐会,这次发现在世界一流交响乐团里,[size=-1]VSO的铜管乐真的很棒,虽然不象卡拉扬时代柏林爱乐乐团的[size=-1]铜管乐那样雄壮有力,但[size=-1]phrasing的起伏和音色的变化非常丰富,力度变化的过渡也非常自然,有些结束乐句居然让我想起了克莱斯勒或者塞戈维亚那种浪漫感人的处理. 我原来以为Roberto Minczuk一定是西班牙移民,后来才发现他来自巴西.

佩佩.罗梅洛一上台几乎没有等一下就马上开始演奏Aranjuez第一个movement的扫弦.他在台上自始至终没有说过话,一直沉浸在音乐世界里. 老实说,我在大学时代就有Pepe的很多唱片,但是他一直不是我最欣赏的音乐家. 这次看他的现场才深深感受到他表演的感染力,他的乐句处理,强弱的转换乐句和乐句之间的整体关系,音色的变幻莫测,使得整个现场的所有观众自始至终被他的演奏吸引. 尤其难得的是,Pepe的音乐处理和管弦乐队配合得天衣无缝,完全是一个整体,Roberto Minczuk应该功不可没吧. Pepe的扫弦和和弦的进行非常有力, 干净利落, 低音富有钢琴的金属声,高音旋律性的处理非常有厚度, 音色亮而柔美, 尤其是Pepe的揉弦非常明显, 配合丰富的音色变化, 音乐情绪表现的非常强烈.虽然出现过个别碰品(buzzing)和吃音, 但一点都不影响整体效果.
在第二个movement中, Pepe充分发挥了家族里西班牙浪漫主义特质, 大量使用揉弦和音色变化, 还有恰到好处的rubato,来感性地表现这个吉他音乐中最动人的乐章. 其中的华彩段落Pepe演奏的速度并不快, 但是仍然表现出华丽的效果,Pepe用大幅度的动作表现声音比较小的泛音, 使得他的演奏和乐队的配合达到平衡. 值得一提的是,某些地方Pepe大胆地表现弱音(由于吉他音量的局限, 在协奏曲中吉他的p, pp, ppp往往被加强处理), 每个角落还是可以听得到.表现第三个movement, Pepe工整有力的特点被再次表现出来, 效果热情奔放而有节制. (值得一提的是Pepe只要在演奏中左右有空闲,必然左手摸一下鼻子, 右手同时向后梳一下头发, 双手配合默契, 是不是年轻时上台紧张样成的习惯就不得而知了....)

比较传统的Pepe应该不会象Sharon Isbin那样用wireless mic来在大音乐厅里演奏协奏曲,他的琴和管弦乐团一起发声时, 我在二楼后面也听的清清楚楚, 力度和音色变化就象在面前一样清晰, 这除了他的发音技术和琴本身外,应该还有剧院声学设计比较成功的原因吧, 此外, 还有一个很重要的因素: 所有听众聆听演奏时非常自觉几乎保持绝对的安静.

下半场开始是Pepe的独奏, "[size=-1]海湾的喧嚣"被处理的很传统, 层次分明, 旋律柔美, 低音厚重. [size=-1]"阿拉伯风格奇想曲"除了第一个圆滑音没弹清晰外(重复时仍然如此...), 整体处理得非常好, 带有梦幻色彩. "西班牙小夜曲"的phrasing我觉得Pepe有点过于自由发挥了, 虽然用rubato表现, 但前几个乐句中的音符被拉开得太过了些...个人之见吧, 可能我以前听的和我以前弹的都习惯于某种模式了.

Pepe的父亲Celedonio Romero作曲的"古巴幻想曲"是一首集跳跃, 欢快, 精致, 诙谐, 柔美为一体的作品,音乐情绪非常丰富, 其精致的部分令我想起Mozart的很多钢琴奏鸣曲. 乐曲的技巧, 特别是圆滑音, 扫弦, 拨奏,高把位快速和弦转换和音阶等, 其中有需要敲击面板的地方. 这首乐曲音色变化多端, Pepe演奏时右手不断地变换位置和角度, 表现丰富的tonecolor.

Pepe的独奏结束后, 观众鼓掌起立多次, 他鞠躬飞吻都脱不了身, 只好加了一首"阿尔罕伯拉宫的回忆",和Segovia的某次录音一样, 他是用AABBAB的段式演奏的, 可能是临时加的缘故, 准备得有点仓促, 开始演奏的速度快了些,后来才慢慢调回去, 中间还出现右手轮指中碰到别的弦的声音......我觉得虽然观众几乎爆满, 但很多都不是古典吉他的爱好者,而是管弦乐的爱好者(在北美, 大部分小学, 中学, 大学都有自己的管弦乐团, 所以这些人从小就受熏陶),原因是Pepe弹完倒数第二小节的高音分解和弦时, 观众以为结束了一起鼓掌......Pepe一听掌声响起来, 也没心思表现最后一个和弦了,就草草了事地弹了一下, 马上站起来向观众致意.

演出结束后Pepe现场为买他CD的观众签名, 队伍排得很长, 同样的CD, 在街对面的店里只要$8, 到了他这里要$30......

走出剧院, 细雨已停, 夜晚街上三三两两的行人, 热情浪漫的西班牙之夜之后, 有一片宁静.


Roberto Minczuk官方主页: http://www.cpo-live.com/main/biography.php?id=288
Pepe Romero官方主页: http://www.peperomero.com/
温哥华交响乐团(Vancouver Symphony Orchestra)官方主页: http://www.vancouversymphony.ca/
Concierto de Aranjuez介绍:http://bbs.guitarschina.com/viewthread.php?tid=427641&highlight=%B0%A2%C0%BC%BA%FA%B0%A3%CB%B9

Orpheum Theatre介绍: http://www.123vancouver.com/orpheum-theater.htm

[ 本帖最后由 小兵吉他 于 2007-2-8 08:25 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-2-5 19:44:41 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-6 01:58:59 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢支持, 其实就是一场音乐会的纪实而已.

不象Toronto或Montreal, 大温的CG lover其实并不多, 不过有这么多非吉他爱好者的爱乐者来观赏(剧场可容纳2800观众), 对国内的朋友而言, 也许反而是件令人深思的事.
发表于 2007-2-6 09:55:10 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-6 16:28:22 | 显示全部楼层
哈哈, 不用深思, 还是搞笑罢
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-6 16:35:59 | 显示全部楼层
VSO关于这次演出的原文件. 也许有人感兴趣. 这个有点长, 就不翻译了....:)

For Immediate Release                                                                                                      January16, 2007

TheLegendary Pepe Romero performs with the VSO!
Vancouver, BCPepe Romero is the master of the guitar, alegendary musician, and one of the best live concert performers in theClassical world. Experience the master’s spine-tingling rendition of thegreatest work for classical guitar: Rodrigo’s Concierto de Aranjuez.In the second half, Pepe shows another side of his greatness with a selectionof thrilling solo works. The orchestra and conductor Robert Minczuk accompany Maestro Romero in the Rodrigo, and also perform Chabrier’sEspana, and Bizet’s Carmen Suite. Anexciting night of full-blooded Spanish passion—and the master of the guitar,Pepe Romero.

Celebrated worldwide for his dazzling virtuosity,compelling interpretations, and flawless technique, guitarist Pepe Romero is constantly in demand forhis solo recitals, performances with orchestras, and with the world famousRomeros Quartet. Born in 1944 in Málaga, Spain, PepeRomero is the second son “The Royal Family of the Guitar,” the Romeros. Hisfather, the legendary Celedonio Romero, was his only guitar teacher; his firstprofessional appearance was in a shared concert with his father in Sevilla’sTeatro Lope de Vega, when Pepe was only seven years old. Now in the prime of astoried career, Maestro Romero thrills audiences worldwide with his sensitive,heartfelt playing and astonishing technique.


Sunday, February 4, 8pm, OrpheumTheatre

Roberto Minczuk conductor
Pepe Romero guitar

RODRIGO Concierto de Aranjuez
Works for Solo Guitar
BIZET Carmen Suite

Tickets $25 to$78 (Student, Senior and Subscriber discounts available)



Celebrated worldwide for hisdazzling virtuosity, compelling interpretations, and flawless technique,guitarist Pepe Romero is constantly in demand for his solo recitals,performances with orchestras, and with the world famous Romeros Quartet. Bornin 1944 in Málaga, Spain, Pepe Romero is the secondson “The Royal Family of the Guitar,” the Romeros. His father, the legendaryCeledonio Romero, was his only guitar teacher; his first professionalappearance was in a shared concert with his father in Sevilla’s Teatro Lope deVega, when Pepe was only seven years old. After relocating to the United States,Pepe, together with his father and brothers, helped establish the RomerosQuartet as the leading guitar ensemble in the world. Although best known forhis classical performances, Pepe’s passion for the traditional flamenco of hisnative Andalucia has never wavered. His first recording, Flamenco Fenómeno!, for Contemporary Records, was made when he wasonly fifteen. Since then, Pepe has made more than fifty recordings, among whichare over twenty concertos with the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fieldsconducted by Sir Neville Marriner and Iona Brown, as well as collaborationswith artists such as the renowned ensemble I Musici, flamenco singer ChanoLobato, and dancers Paco Romero and María Magdalena.

In spring, 1992, with SirNeville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields,Pepe Romero made a pioneering laser disc of the Concierto de Aranjuez and selected solo works by Joaquín Rodrigo.He is also a leading personality in the film documentary Shadows and Light: Joaquín Rodrigo at 90, which has receivednumerous awards, including those from the Chicago International Film Festival,the International Emmy Awards, and the San Francisco International FilmFestival. Songs My Father Taught Me,a performance of his father’s favorite and original compositions was his lastCD recorded by the Philips label.Recently released is a set of Boccherini quintets for guitar and stringquartet, recorded for UNICEF, including a new guitar transcription of Música nocturna de Madrid.

Mr. Romero’s contributionsin the field of classical guitar have inspired a number of distinguishedcomposers to write works specifically for him, including Joaquín Rodrigo,Federico Moreno Torroba, Lorenzo Palomo, Rev. Francisco de Madina, andCeledonio Romero. Rodrigo wrote his last guitar concerto, Concierto para una Fiesta, for Pepe in1983. Andrés Segovia and composerFederico Moreno Torroba chose Pepe to record the world premiere of Diálogos entre guitarra y orquestra,originally written for Segovia.In January, 1996, in Berlin,with Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos conducting, Pepe Romero premiered LorenzoPalomo’s Nocturnos de Andalucia andrecorded the same a year later.Following the death of his father, Pepe performed the world premiere of hisfather’s concerto for guitar and orchestra, ElCortijo de Don Sancho, with Michael Palmer conducting the AmericanSinfonietta. Along with Celin, Lito and Celino Romero he premiered and recordedconcerto for four guitars of Lorenzo Palomo, Concierto de Cienfuegos with Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos conductingthe Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla. In February 2002 Pepe Romero performedand recorded live the revival of Metamorfoside concert by the great Catalonian composer Xavier Montsalvatge withGianandrea Noseda conducting the Orquesta de Cadaqués. In May 2004 Pepe Romerorecorded Concerto for guitar andorchestra by Paul Chihara with Sir Neville Marriner and the LondonSymphony. In June 2005 the Romeros Quartet recorded with the Basque NationalOrchestra a piece written for them, ConciertoVasco by Francisco de Madina. Also among his latest releases is Generations: The Romeros, a recital CDby the Romeros Quartet including a world premiere recording of Al Maestro by Jorge Morel, a workdedicated by Celedonio Romero and his own composition, Recuerdos del pasado. In spring 2005 a newly recorded recital CDentitled Corazón Español was releasedon CPA Hollywood Records. In addition, he has premiered major works by suchhistorical composers as Fernando Sor, Mauro Giuliani, Francesco Molino,Ferdinando Carulli, Johann Kaspar Mertz, Luigi Boccherini, and others.

PepeRomero has been a special guest at the festivals of Salzburg,Israel, Schleswig-Holstein,Menuhin, Osaka, Granada,Istanbul, Ravinia, GardenState, Hollywood Bowl, Blossom, WolfTrap, and Saratoga.As a member of The Romeros, Pepe has been invited to play at the White House,and at the Vatican for PopeJohn Paul II; he has also performed for His Royal Highness Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, KingJuan Carlos and Queen Sophia of Spain,and Queen Beatrice of Holland.In the United States, he hasappeared as the featured soloist with the Philadelphia, Cleveland,Chicago, Houston,Pittsburgh, Boston,San Francisco, and Dallas Symphony Orchestras aswell as the Orpheus Chamber Ensemble, the New York and Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestras, the Boston Pops Orchestra,and the London Symphony Orchestra. In Europe he has appeared with the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, the MonteCarlo Philharmonic, I Musici, theZurich Chamber Orchestra, the PhilharminiaHungarica, the Hungarian State Orchestra, the Spanish National Orchestra, theSpanish National Radio/Television Orchestra, L’Orchestre de la Suisse-Romande,the Lausanne Chamber Orchestra, the New Moscow Chamber Orchestra, the AmericanSinfonietta, and the Bournemouth Symphony. Mr. Romero has collaborated withmany of the world’s finest conductors, including Leonard Slatkin, Sir NevilleMarriner, Eugene Ormandy, Arthur Fiedler, Lawrence Foster, Jesús López-Cobos,Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, André Kostelanetz, Michael Palmer, Morton Gould,Miguel Gómez-Martínez, PhilippeEntremont, and Enrique Jordá.

Pepe Romero is dedicated to passing his art on tofuture generations. He has served as Professor of Guitar at the University of Southern California, the Universityof California at San Diego, Southern Methodist University, and the Universityof San Diego and frequently teachesmaster classes in the Salzburg Summer Academy,the Schleswig-Holstein Festival, and the Córdoba Guitar Festival. Among hisstudents are first prize winners in several international competitions andseveral of the most brilliant of the younger generation of professionalperformers. In 2004 he was invited to be Distinguished Artist in Residence atthe University of Southern California’sThornton School of Music where he holds master classes and continues hispedagogic tradition.

Pepe Romero holds anhonorary doctorate in music from the University of Victoria, British Columbia.In June of 1996, he received the “Premio Andalucia de Música,” the highestrecognition given by his native land for his contribution to the arts. Inaddition, His Majesty, King JuanCarlos I of Spain,has knighted Pepe Romero and his brothers, Celin and Angel into the Order of“Isabel la Católica.” The official ceremony of this high honor took place atthe University of Southern California,February 11, 2000, and included a gala performance by The Romeros. Abiographical documentary about the Romero family was made by PBS television,“Los Romeros: Royal Family of the Guitar” and was nationally released onSeptember 14, 2001. NDR, the German television channel, released thedocumentary “Los Romeros, the Dynasty of the Guitar” in 2005 for viewingthroughout Europe.

Visit www.peperomero.com


[ 本帖最后由 cyberninja 于 2007-2-6 16:41 编辑 ]

media-releases-Pepe Romero - Feb 4.zip

45.44 KB, 下载次数: 5, 下载积分: 金钱 5


 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-6 16:52:52 | 显示全部楼层
Orpheum剧院现属于温哥华市府, 详细情况见


[ 本帖最后由 cyberninja 于 2007-2-6 17:05 编辑 ]




发表于 2007-2-6 22:55:05 | 显示全部楼层
向 C 斑竹致敬!:D
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 01:52:18 | 显示全部楼层
小兵过奖了, 不过是给大家介绍一点异乡风情而已, 就当旅游指南吧:) 虽然不是温哥华最大最有名的剧院, Orpheum Theatre也算个小旅游景点.
发表于 2007-2-7 02:36:57 | 显示全部楼层
里面可以拍照吗?上次他在 LA 的迪斯尼音乐厅演出,里面就不让拍照,理由:私人物业,未经允许,不许拍照。。。靠!你有钱,我偷拍,还偷录了。。。:)

http://bbs.guitarschina.com/view ... highlight=%2BJoeNo1

还是第2次在教堂里听 Pepe 的独奏效果好,USD$15.00 弄的后门学生票,坐第一排,距离大概 3、4米,可惜太近了,第一排又没有遮掩,不敢掏家伙出来录音。。。:hug:
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 03:37:37 | 显示全部楼层
在Balcony后排, 不用闪光灯, 没有声响, 不影响别人, 拍照也不举起, 而且是不演奏的时候照的. 这样没人注意到拍照. 所以照片效果就大打折扣了.
羡慕LA的古典吉他氛围, 比Vancouver好得多. Pepe要是不和VSO合作, 估计不会在这个剧院, 而是在其他一些小些的音乐厅.

[ 本帖最后由 cyberninja 于 2007-2-7 03:40 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-2-7 13:58:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-7 16:19:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-7 18:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-7 19:38:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-7 20:59:56 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 吴俊霖 于 2007-2-7 13:58 发表


[ 本帖最后由 沃尔夫岗 于 2007-2-7 21:03 编辑 ]
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