12/20/06 - We are proud to introduce our new ringtone, Highringplus. This works even better than the original Highring. It is available free in the downloads section. Welcome to highring. Here you can download the ringtone that many adults can't hear. This is my first experience in website design, so I apologize in advance for any problems you may encounter. Click the links above to navigate the site. If you encounter any major problems, you can email me. If you'd like to support the site, you can donate via paypal using the link at the bottom of this page. Thanks for visiting.
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Highring (A.K.A Teen Buzz) is a ringtone that many adults are unable to hear. It originated in the U.K., where a device called the Mosquito was used to repel teenagers from congregating. The Mosqito works by emitting a very high-pitched noise, which would be very irritating to children and teenagers while being silent to adults. Eventually, teenagers figured out how to use the tone to their advantage as a ringtone that their teachers couldn't hear. It has recently made its way into the U.S. mainstream after being written about in an article on the front page of the New York Times (see "News Clips"). The ringtone is a sine wave at 14,400 hertz. It cannot be heard by many adults due to a condition called presbycusis, hearing loss as one ages. Whereas children, teenagers, and others can hear the high-pitched chirp clearly, many others can only hear it if they are exposed to it at a high volume or at short range. This makes the ringtone useful for teens to use to receive calls or text messages on their cell phones at times when adults should not be disturbed.