EMERGENCY NAIL KIT by Rico Stover - Insurance against that most dreaded ofmishaps - breaking a nail. A new system of artificial fingernails.Totally removable & nonpermanent. Effective, safe and nontoxic.Goes on and comes off easily. Will stay on for hours. No super glue. Nopipettes. No molding forms. No UV lamps. Developed through trial anderror. Contains: 5 special artificial nails in different sizes, 3sheets of adhesive, 1 roll of Transpore clear tape and completeinstructions.
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file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/MINGHU%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg ALASKA PIK FLESH COLORED PLASTIC FINGERPICK. Used as a fingernailsubstitute on the nail side of your finger. Trim to the correct length.Instructions included. Diameter of 1/2 to 9/16 inch.
PK40-L .. large .. [size=-1]list $1.98 ours $1.45