没有时间, 就不翻译了. 十弦吉他演奏家Perf(以前介绍过)也发表了一些看法. 有趣的是, 就琴的价格, 他发出了"古典吉他演奏家们比尘土还穷 (We all know classical guitarists are poorer than dirt)" 的牢骚
Member # 19322
| posted 06-11-2007 02:11 PM Not the "Estudio" model that sells for under $2500 but the "real thing"that GSI has listed (though sold) in the "inquire" category and theywon't quote prices on their expensive merchandise if you don't answertheir probing personal questions correctly.
I read on another forum that a dealer in England had one in the $26,000-28,000 range. Is this possible?
I really have no intention of buying one, I'm just curious as I think others might be. Posts: 41 | Registered: Jul 2006 |  |
| Anthony Dalton
Member # 7926
| posted 06-11-2007 02:29 PM Not only possible but probable.
A new basic 1a sells for about $9600, an Elite for about $14,800, the 1912 Manuel Ramirez copy for about $16,000, a Centenario for roughly $20,000 so, yeah, an asking price of 26-28 grand for the new model doesn't surprise me too much.
They'llprobably all (they're supposedly going to make 125 of them) be boughtby deep-pocketed collectors and not real players but even so, I thinkthe real world price will drop once the novelty factor wears off. Posts: 1442 | From: VA | Registered: Oct 2002 |  |
| | cyberninja
Member # 19042
| posted 06-11-2007 11:15 PM Is it made from CNC machine or basically hand-made?
May the glow of Laurel tree fill your heart...
Posts: 133 | From: British Columbia | Registered: Jun 2006 |  |
| Michael Dagdigian
Member # 7924
| posted 06-12-2007 05:07 AM Aren't the Ramirez Elite and Centenario guitars essentially just gussied-up 1a models built with more expensive woods, fancy tuners, etc.?
Perfmentioned the slightly elevated fingerboard and the GSI websitephoto/blurb shows a rather unique rosette and mentions a French polishfinish on the 125th Anniversary model but are there any otherdifferences other than some contrived exclusivity factor to justifysuch a high price? Posts: 466 | From: Boston MA, USA | Registered: Oct 2002 |  |
| | Anthony Dalton
Member # 7926
| posted 06-12-2007 09:02 AM Ramirez is supposedly only going to make a total of 30 Manuel Ramirezmodels over a period of five years and they sell for $10,000-$12,000 less than the Aniversario model. Posts: 1442 | From: VA | Registered: Oct 2002 |  |
| Michael Dagdigian
Member # 7924
| posted 06-12-2007 11:12 AM Marketing gimmicks don't seem to work very well in the classical guitarworld. Take, for example, the Ramirez GH (George Harrison) model.Originally a low end student guitar that was "reissued" in all solidwoods with a fairly steep price tag and a story to go along with it. Itjust didn't seem to catch on.
Thelast ones GSI had were selling for about half the original asking priceand they were throwing in a "signed letter from Amalia Ramirez" (a bigselling point for a factory guitar?), a Beatles "Hard Day's Night" DVDand...a free HumiCase!
But wait, folks...that's not all!!! If you order in the next ten minutes.......
Have your credit card ready. Operators are standing by.
Of course, the "exclusivity" angle on the real pricey stuff will certainly appeal to some. Posts: 466 | From: Boston MA, USA | Registered: Oct 2002 |  |
| David Norton
Member # 5872
| posted 06-12-2007 04:02 PM I'm holding out for the nearly-inevitable production run of the "1912Manuel Ramirez", complete with (yet another) newly-remastered CD ofSegovia's recordings on the legendary original one.
Since 1912 is also the centennial of the Titanic,if Ramirez is REALLY smart they will figure out some sort of connectingangle. Maybe a case of Manuel Ramirez guitars was being shipped onboard from London to New York??
DN Posts: 1306 | From: Utah, USA | Registered: Jul 2002 |  |
| riffermeister

Member # 13122
| posted 06-12-2007 04:08 PM Ramirez meets Fender in the marketing department.
Why do people fall for this nonsense?
Maybe I just lack "vision".
all spruced up!
Posts: 2022 | From: near Philly | Registered: Jun 2004 |  |
| kuan
Member # 6706
| posted 06-12-2007 05:57 PM I'm waiting for the Charo model. 
'04 John Dick - Harley
Posts: 1222 | From: Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2002 |  |
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