For Your foirst Question:
The order of the Chords In C Major scale is: C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am and B diminisheed. In the case of 7th chord, it is: CM7, Dm7, Em7, FM7, G dominant7, Am7 and B half Diminished7
The order of Chords In A minor Scale is Am, B diminished, C, dm, em or E, F,G or #Gdiminished. if it is 7th Chords, it is: Am7, B half diminished, CM7, Dm7,em7 or E dominant7, FM7, G dominant7 or #G fully diminished7.
For your Second Question, I can tell you that most of solos are improvised by artised, and it is not necessary follow the mode, but it must correspond with the Chord progressionof the piece, otherwise, it will sound sucks. Furthermore, you can play the arpeggios of all those chords
C 大调的音节排列: c d e f g a b
相对应的和音: C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am, Bdim
相对应的7和弦:CMaj7, Dm7, Em7, FMaj7,G7,B7b5
A 小调的音节排列是:
自然小调:a, b, c, d, e, f, g
和声小调:a, b, c, d, e, f, #g
旋律小调:(升:a, b, c, d, e, #f, #g) (降: g, f, e, d, c ,b, a)
相对应的和音:Am, Bdim, C, Dm, (Em, E), F, (G, #Gdim)
相对应的7和弦: Am7,B7b5, CMaj7, Dm7, (Em7,E7),FMaj7, (G7, Gdim7)