
Dilermando Reis,probably the most famous Brazilian popular guitarist, was born in SãoPaulo, but lived most of his life in Rio de Janeiro, where he workedactively in radio and recordings. From 1941 to 1975 he recorded overforty albums, both 78rpm and LPs.Reis played different types of guitar music and recorded thecompositions of Bach, Barrios, Tárrega, as well as popular Braziliancomposers. His preference was the traditional Brazilian guitar style:waltzes and choros full of modulations to "confuse accompanists,"played with his unique style and sound.He recorded about 100 of his own compositions, many of which becamestandards of Brazilian popular guitar, like "Dois Destinos" and "Se ElaPerguntar."In 1975 he recorded the LP, "The Brazilian Guitar of Dilermando Reis,"containing his last compositions.
介绍: http://www.angelfire.com/sk/syukhtun/reis.html
[ 本帖最后由 cyberninja 于 2007-8-11 01:57 编辑 ] |