Ebay上在拍卖1971 Romanillo Guitar. 购买价US $100,000.00

Theguitar is a 1971 Romanillo, the Stradivarius of guitars. That year,Romanillo, the father, made only two guitars. Yutaro has one, andRomanillo himself has the other. Romanillo stopped making guitars someyears ago, so this guitar is a rare piece. It was first purchased byJulian Bream, a guitar instructor from the UK.He later under sold it thinking that Romanillo would make more guitarsin the future and he could pick one up. Well, as it turned out,Romanillo stopped making guitars and his son took up the business ofmaking guitars. Now, Romanillo guitars carry the label "Romanillo &Sons." Yutaro's guitar is one of the last "Romanillo" label guitars.
Yutarojust had it refurbished by a museum where he had been keeping it. It isin tip top condition. Romanillo & Sons guitars sell for between 3.8million JPY (rosewood) and 6.5 million JPY (hakarand).
Yutaro'sguitar is made out of hakarand so it could sell for over 6.5 millionJPY, since it is an authentic Romanillo label guitar.
Theguitar is a José Romanillos instrument for collection or performance.This handcrafted masterpiece is in excellent condition and is one ofonly two guitars Romanillos made in 1971. The first owner of thisguitar was Julian Bream. This guitar is especially valuable sinceRomanillos guitars are no longer made; Romanillos has retired fromguitar making. This instrument is an original signed work of art. Theother guitar Romanillos made in 1971 is owned by José himself.
José Luis Romanillos is celebrated as the greatest guitar maker of the 20th century based in the United Kingdom.He developed innovative strutting designs; his extraordinarycraftsmanship has been unparalleled; and his guitars produce superiortonal qualities. From the 1970’s, Romanillos guitars have beenappreciated around the world.
In 1932 he was born José L. Romanillos Vega in Madrid, Spain, where he learned the craft of cabinet making from the age of thirteen. He moved to England in 1956 to work in Epsom and North London. He made his first guitar in Londonin 1961 and in 1970 he moved to Semley, Wiltshire, where he began hisprofessional career as a guitar maker encouraged by Julian Bream whoplayed José L. Romanillos guitars for many years.
Romanilloshas lectured on the history of the Spanish guitar as well as givingcourses in many countries on the development and construction of theSpanish guitar. In 1987 Romanillos published the biography of Antoniode Torres, the first book written about a Spanish guitar maker.Romanillos has settled in Guijosa, Spain,where since 2001 he has organized, with his son Liam, a course onSpanish guitar making. Romanillos also continues with his research intothe development and the history of the vihuela de mano and the Spanishguitar. Although he has retired from guitar making he keeps in closecontact with his son Liam Romanillos who continues with the familytradition in Gillingham, Dorset.
Theguitar for sale here is owned by Yutaro Taguchi, an extremely talented,young artist with great promise. Yutaro was born and raised in Japan.From his early youth, Yutaro caught the attention of other greatartists, music professors, concert promoters, and a growingenthusiastic audience. One of Yutaro’s accomplishments is that he isheralded as one of only a select few of artists who can play adifficult Turkish piece, which he mastered in 2 weeks. Recently, at age18, Yutaro was accepted by special invitation to attend the famousÉcole Normale de Musique de Paris where he will study classical guitar. Yutaro plans to leave Japan shortly to begin his studies in Paris.
Understandably,while Yutaro does not want to part with this beautiful instrument ofincomparable craftsmanship, tonal quality and authenticity, he iswilling to sell his guitar in order to pay for his education. Aftercompleting the same, Yutaro plans on pursuing a career teaching themusic and the instrument he loves: classical guitar. Without a doubt,the proceeds from the sale of this guitar are going to a very worthycause.
Yutarowill study classical guitar under the watchful guidance of theworld-renowned Alberto Ponce, a prominent faculty member at the ÉcoleNormale de Musique de Paris. Alberto Ponce is a French classical guitarist and widely acclaimed teacher, born Alberto Gonzalez Munoz in Madrid, Spain in 1935. In 1962 he was asked to become a professor at the École Normale of music in Paris by Alfred Cortot,the founding director of the school. At the school, he has enjoyed anunprecedented pedagogical career, having created one of the mostprolific schools of contemporary guitar. For many years Alberto Poncewas one of the few guitarists dedicated to both early and contemporarymusic. Thanks to him, scores of new compositions have been created. Heis the godfather of the works of Maurice Ohana; and numerous compositions have been dedicated to him by Chayne, Dyens, Ravier, Antonio Ruiz-Pipo, Yoram Zerbib.
Alberto Ponce's father was his first teacher. When Ponce was a child he entered the Municipal Conservatory of Barcelona,Spain, where, in addition to guitar, he studied piano, harmony andchamber music. He left the Conservatory with a diploma and an HonorableMention and then met a person who would have a major influence on hiscareer: Emilio Pujol. The great Catalan maestro advised him to enter the Lisbon Conservatory. After three years of study Ponceperfected his technique with him at the Accademia Chigiana di Siena,where he increased his knowledge of the music of the Spanish GoldenAge. In 1961 he won first prize at the International Competition in Paris, organized by Radio France. In 1962, Nadia Boulangerasked him to teach at the Fontainebleau Conservatory, the same year hewas invited to teach at the École Normale de Musique de Paris. He hasalso taught at the National Conservatory of Paris.
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