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推荐:jeff golub的唱片及录音设备详录。

发表于 2007-10-16 10:09:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    JEFF GOLUB是SMOOTH JAZZ中年轻的吉他大师,以前发过贴子介绍过,功力细腻,又不乏劲道。两年前上过他的官方网站,一直上不去,可能被屏蔽了。最近又尝试了一下,顺利造访,发现了他的设备介绍,比较详尽。并且在每张专辑的每首曲子后都附录音设备的简单说明,难得这么用心。喜欢他的兄弟们不妨学习借鉴一下呵。


  I receive a lot of inquiries from fellow guitarist about the equipment I use so someone suggested I add this description as a regular part of the site (good idea, I don't know why I didn't think of it) This is going to be fairly detailed so if you're not a guitar player I highly recommend you stop reading immediately cause it's going to get really boring.

      For live gigs I usually play a 65' fender strat that's pretty much stock except for Sperzel tuners, a Wilkinson direct replacement bridge and a Seymore Duncan "Little Screamin' Demon" strat size direct replacement (meaning same size, no routing necessary) humbucking pickup in the bridge position. This is also wired so I can split it to single coil. I try to stick with one guitar throughout the set so as to develop a kind of repore with that instrument as the night goes on. I also bring a Hamer strat style Daytona that is set up exactly the same except that it has a maple fret board and Seymore Duncan vintage pickups in the neck and the middle positions. I like both of these guitars but the fender has been with me a much longer time (22 years) so I'm usually more comfortable starting out with it. If I break a string or something that's cool too because the Hamer sometimes gives me a slightly different perspective that can also be inspiring. The strings I use are D'addario . 009's with the G string lowered from. 016 to. 015. I need to use light strings to keep my tendonitis from flaring up(what a pain in the ass).      
       On tour I quite often have to rent amps so I request in order of preference a Mesa-Boogie Dual Rectifier "Tremoverb" or a Fender "Hot Rod Deville" then use whatever is available.    
      For effects I use a pro-co rat pedal, a boss tuner pedal, an "Echodrive" (which is an analog delay built with tube circuitry) a boss digital delay pedal, and a Shure wireless unit . In the studio I use an older model (script logo)MXR dynocomp compressor pedal most of the time (not on the fat hollow body guitars)and occasionally a rat pedal but rarely record with effects other than that.
     I usually use a fender vibroking amp through a boogie 1-12 cabinet with an eminence 70 watt speaker but I have also used a boogie studio 22 and a peavey classic 50. Occasionally I've gone direct into the board with a sans-amp classic pedal.     
      For guitars I record with the 65' strat, sometimes the Hamer Daytona, a 1959 Gibson ES 345 with a stop tailpiece wired mono with the varitone disconnected, a 1959 Gibson ES 175 with just1 pickup (humbucking, neck position), a 1964 Gibson L-5, a 1964 Martin O-18, a Rimerez nylon string and a Takamine nylon string.    
     Now this is really going to get long as I'm going to go song by song with what I used but people ask this stuff.


1. Pick up the Pieces- 175, vibroking
2. Stockholm Prelude - 65' strat, vibroking (internal 3-10 speakers for this CD)
3. Stockholm - same as prelude
4. Gimme Some - 175, vibroking
5. That's the Way of the World - 345, vibroking
6. Westside Serenade - Hamer Daytona, Peavey classic 50
7. Nightingale -345, vibroking, 1969 fender thinline tele for rhythm
8. I'll be Around - 175 and the 65' strat, direct with sansamp.
9. Atlanta Nights - Martin O-18.
10. Just Goodbye - 345, vibroking, ESP strat with EMG pickups for rhythm
11. Lucy I'm Home - L-5 for melody, 345 for solo, I don't remember what amp. I think a 50's tweed fender pro
12. Moon River - 175, sans-amp direct


"NAKED CITY" 1. funky is as funky does-345, vibroking
2. naked city-65'strat, vibroking
3. nitpickin'-1995 epiphone sheraton, vibroking
4. the conversation-345, vibroking
5. baby I'm yours-65' strat, vibroking
6. mama didn't raise no fool-354, vibroking
7. wildflower -takamine nylon string
8. keep th ball rollin'-65'strat, vibroking
9. the niteowl-354, vibroking
10. tumblin'-345, vibroking
11. yohimbe-354. vibroking
12. spooky-65'strat, vibroking
13. one more excuse(to play the blues)-L-5, vibroking



1. nightlife-345, Peavey classic 50, 65'strat for rhythm
2. Bobby's mood-345, Peavey classic 50
3. always there-345, Peavey classic 50, 65'strat for rhythm
4. seventh heaven-354, boogie studio 22
5. daylight-345 direct(no sans-amp)
6(oh no) no mo' yo!-345, boogie
7. a womans touch-65'strat, Peavey classic 50
8. . thank you may I have another-345, Peavey classic 50
9. only a memory-Hamer, boogie
10. the in crowd-345, boogie



1. wanna funk?-65strat, vibroking, (w/marshall 4- 12 cab, 70 watt celestian speakers)rat pedal
2. Indiana moon-65'strat, vibroking(w/boogie 1-12 cab, EV speaker for this cd)rat pedal, martin D-18 (borrowed from Artie Smith)
3. manteca-65'strat, vibroking (marshall cab) rat
4. the velvet touch-65'strat, vibroking (boogie cab)
5. my everything-65'strat, vibroking (boogie cab) rat
6. Lucky strike-65'strat, vibroking (boogie cab)
7. latitude 19-65'strat, vibroking (boogie cab) rat
8. come on home-65'strat, boogie studio 22, Martin O-18, Rimerez nylon string
9. paradise lost-Hamer daytona vibroking (marshall cab) sans amp in front of amp for ride out solo
10. groanin' -345, boogie studio 22   



1. dangerous curves-175, vibroking (boogie cab w/70 watt eminence speaker for this cd)
2. droptop-345, vibroking, 65'strat for rhythm
3. another friday night-345, vibroking
4. Mr. Magic-175, vibroking
5. step aside-345, vibroking
6. no two ways about it-345, vibroking
7. gone but not forgotten-65' strat, vibroking
8. lost weekend-345, vibroking
9. till' we meet again-345, vibroking
10. let's talk it over-175, vibroking
11. walkin'on the sun-175. vibroking
12. soul serenade-65'strat, boogie studio 22   



1.擟ut the Cake?- 1959 Gibson ES175
2.擮n the Beach?- 1959 Gibson ES345
3.擟ruisin挃 - 1959 Gibson ES345
4.擩esus Children of America? - 1959 Gibson ES345
5.?If I Ever Loose This Heaven?- 1959 Gibson ES345
6.擟old Duck Time? - 1959 Gibson ES345, MXR Dynocomp compressor( script logo)
7.?Turn Off the Lights?- 1959 Gibson ES345
8.?Cold Sweat? - 1959 Gibson ES175
9.擬ercy Mercy Me?- 1959 Gibson ES345
10. 揅razy Love? - 1965 Fender Stratocaster, MXR Dynocomp

I used my 1995 Fender Vibro King Amp through a Boogie 1x12 Cabinet with an Eminence 70 watt speaker on every track.

DO IT.jpg

For every track I plugged into my Fender Vibroking amp through the Mesa Boogie 1x12 cabinet with an Eminence 70 speaker. I had my Echodrive pedal plugged in but not turned on. I find that just going through the tube circuitry fattens up the sound and adds some bottom end. Other than that I went straight into the amp.
1.擝oom Boom?Gibson 345(1959)
2.擯layin?It Cool?Gibson 345
3.擟adillac Jack?Gibson 345
4. 揢nderneath it all?ESP Strat (1985) with EMG alnico pickups the rhythm guitar overdub ( one of very few on the CD) was my 1965 Fender Strat
5.擯ass it on? 1964 Gibson L 5 ( the one I抦 playing on the cover)
6.擨sn抰 That So?1965 Fender Strat
7.擝ack Home?Gibson 345
8.擟an抰 Let You Go?Fender Strat
9.Vibrolux?Gibson 345
10.擭ubian Blue? Gibson L 5 The rhythm guitar was the Fender Strat
11.擲kin Tight?Gibson L5?


1."Uptown Express? 1959 Gibson ES175 through a Groove Tube抯 揝oul-o?1x 12 combo amp
2..擮n the Wes Side?1995 Epiphone Sheraton direct ( no amp, this might be a first for me).
3.擬etro Cafe? 1995 Epiphone Sheraton, 60抯 blackface Vibrolux amp
4.擟ream and Sugar?1964 Gibson L-5, Fender Vibroking amp combined with direct
5. 揝ilhouette? Gibson ES 175, Direct combined with Vibrolux amp
6.擳ake Me Home?1965 Fender Strat, Fender Vibrolux amp
7.擳emptation? 1965 Fender Strat, Direct
8. 揈volution? ES 175, Fender Vibrolux amp combined with direct
9.擩ust For You?1965 Fender Strat, Fender Vibrolux amp, Eastman acoustic guitar
10.擧ave You Heard?1965 Fender Strat, Fender Vibrolux Amp
11.擲imple Pleasures?Epiphone Sheraton, Direct
The Vibrolux, Groove Tubes Soul-o amp and Eastman acoustic guitar were on loan from Tommy at California Vintage. Thanks! Well there you have it, more info than you could ever want. Maybe someone will read all of this, maybe they won't, but at least it gave me something to do one rainy afternoon.


All songs were recorded with my 1965 Fender Stratocaster except:

1)Hello Betty- 1959 Gibson 345
2)Aint no Woman Like the One I Got- 1998 Epiphone Sheraton recorded Direct through a Brent Averill Mic pre
3)"Mojito" and "The Way I Feel Tonight" - 1964 Martin O18 Acoustic

A "Fuchs Overdrive Supreme 50" through 1X 12" speaker in an open back, Sampson "lightening 15" amp. ( I don't know the make they use but it seems fairly lo-fi) except:
"Something" through a Mesa Boogie Studio 22 combined with an early 60's blackface Vibrolux
"Slinky" through a 1995 "Fender Vibroking" through an Eminence 12" speaker




[ 本帖最后由 子在川上约 于 2007-10-16 10:14 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-16 10:15:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-10-16 10:28:05 | 显示全部楼层
^13 ^13 ^13 我爱他
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-17 09:58:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-10-17 15:24:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-10-17 15:48:18 | 显示全部楼层
smooth jazz这风格让我很郁闷。
发表于 2007-10-17 15:53:03 | 显示全部楼层
仔细看 他大多数还是用gibson 345 f音空和fender st,这是玩爵士音色的最基本。
发表于 2007-10-17 16:19:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-10-18 04:35:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-10-19 11:42:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-10-21 13:08:39 | 显示全部楼层
ding !!!!!!!!
发表于 2007-10-21 14:51:21 | 显示全部楼层
^13 ^13
发表于 2007-11-2 19:26:58 | 显示全部楼层
很不错的,很喜欢LZ的品味..JEFF的风格很SMOOTH JAZZ.他的味道真的是游刃有余.真的适合边品味着香浓的咖啡,边体会着他旋律中的味道。..很fashion的感觉
发表于 2007-11-2 19:29:59 | 显示全部楼层
对了,尤其推荐  gone but not forgotten这首,东西都不难,味道很主要
发表于 2011-3-7 00:01:23 | 显示全部楼层
这帖子我才看到,顶起! 最近在听他的一些曲子,很轻松,一点都不累~~
发表于 2011-3-8 06:38:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-3-8 22:38:06 | 显示全部楼层


不过他竟然用过Mesa Dual Rectifier 这个倒是让人很吃惊,因为那个音箱清音不出名。 Hot Rod Deville也是极端大众的箱子。谁家都有的那种。
发表于 2011-3-9 02:24:06 | 显示全部楼层
another year again..........
发表于 2011-3-9 15:33:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-3-9 23:51:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-3-10 14:40:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-2-6 10:35:17 | 显示全部楼层
  非常喜欢的吉他手之一! 楼主辛苦了!
发表于 2016-7-17 03:52:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-10-3 20:38:06 | 显示全部楼层
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