发表于 2008-8-29 00:21:01
李庭匡(左)Lee Ting Kuang
329马莱西亚演唱会的时候,阿铮老师介绍阿匡老师的时候说:他是华健合作最久的吉他手。这个可不是盖的!阿匡老师是EZ Band的一份子,在华健的大大小小的演唱会中,一定会看到他。当然,既然是兄弟,当华健讲乐手们的笑话时,一定不会饶阿匡老师的。常被华健“威胁”得减薪。。。等。。
阿匡老师最让人叫好的现场秀。。大概就是那段“男大当婚女大当嫁”的solo。而那段精彩的solo表演也让华健有着非常不服气的样子。。。嘿嘿! 华健你遇到对手啦!!
Don't I look cool?看!!这样酷吧!!
During the 329 Malaysian concert, Ah Zheng has described him as the guitarist who has worked with Wakin for the longest time. And how true was that! A member of the EZ band, he was always present at all of Wakin's concerts. And of course, being such a good buddy, he was definitely not spared from Wakin's jokes. On the other hand, he was often being "threatened" with a pay cut, etc.
A very experienced guitarist, perhaps his best remembered piece on stage would be the front solo of the song "New Ever lasting Love". And of course his solo left Wakin with a "Hey! I don't believe you did that!"look.. GrinZ.. Wakin, you've found your match!
这是一把Tom Anderson电吉它。在录音室使用时,可用来作伴奏(Rythm)用,也可用来作主奏(Lead),二者皆宜。Clean Tone时,有点像L.A的Fushion style,有很甜的声音,它也有些像Fender的音色,但多少有些自己的风格,在作pizz弹奏时有很清楚的ATTACK,所以用来作Rythm时会有很不错的效果。此琴的重量比Fender略轻,因此他的power chord不会太重,非常适合做POP、BLUES、R&B、ROCK的音乐,但不适合做METAL的音乐,这可算是蛮通用的琴。 |