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[古典吉他唱片] 弗拉门戈吉他圣手 Jesse Cook Frontiers(2007)

发表于 2007-11-8 12:45:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
jesse cook 出生于法国巴黎,父母为加拿大人,他早年成长于充满文化艺术氛围的法国南部和西班牙。3岁时就伴随着他母亲的flamenco录音弹奏一把玩具吉他。后随父母返回加拿大,6岁时进入闻名遐迩的eli kassner吉他学院。在此后16年的学习生涯里他还在多伦多皇家音乐学院,约克大学,及波士顿的berklee音乐学院深造过。

jesse cook 还曾重返法国及西班牙去重新探索他童年时期充满神秘的flamenco,此间他遍访生活于安达露西亚,科多巴,格拉那达和马德里的吉他大师。
返回加拿大后,像其它吉他演奏家一樣,他在自己的音樂中加入了一些爵士,拉丁和世界音樂的 元素,他還因为活力四射的现场表現而家喻户晓。他还对afro celt sound system album seed 作出了杰出的貢獻,后記錄在narada label上。。 

jesse cook及他的四人乐队曾于2002年初短暂访问过韩国及新加坡,据称一个更完整的亚洲数国之行正在酝酿中,其中包括中国。 
“从我记事起吉他就一直陪伴着我” ,jesse cook 说,“她是我永恒的伙伴” 。
热情似火的flamenco吉它音乐本来让人热血沸腾, 然而jesse cook的一曲cancion triste,却让我惆怅...

frontiers 是他的第六張專輯,据jess cook官方網站上的报道,这張專輯的創作靈感完全來自因为“臨時跟他的妻子移居到西班牙的seville”,再加上他的第一個孩子lucas cook出生(2005.3.14)。在加拿大的coach house music,cook跟其它九位音樂家一起录的这张专辑,最后的合成工作还是由jesse cook本人來完成的,大部分的歌词都是由其个人创作,只有那首“it ain't me babe”是bob dylan已发行专辑中的一首歌。

artist: jesse cook
album: frontiers
source: emi int'l
genre: acoustic/latin/jazz
released: april 14, 2007

jesse cook is a toronto-based nuevo flamenco guitarist, born in paris to canadian parents. like other guitarists of his style of music, he incorporates jazz, latin & world music into his playing. cook is also well known for the energy of his live shows. he also contributed to the afro celt sound system album seed. he has recorded on the narada label.

frontiers is the sixth album by jesse cook. according to cook's official web page, inspiration for the album came from a "temporary move with his wife to seville, spain" and the birth of his first child, lucas cook (b. march 14, 2005). cook and nine other musicians recorded the album at coach house music in canada. the album was mixed by cook. all songs were written by jesse cook except "it ain't me babe", which is a cover version of the original song by bob dylan.

track list:
01. matisse the cat
02. café mocha
03. rain
04. vamos
05. turning
06. havana
07. el cri
08. come what may
09. it ain't me babe
10. la llorona
11. waiting
12. europa
13. alone

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