发表于 2003-12-6 10:07:00
众所周知,有很多国外的名牌吉他、贝斯厂家是从中国砍伐的木材,比如 YAMAHA 的木材有45%来自我们中国。而且很多国外的牌子基本都是在中国做的,其中有的大家很熟悉,比如 YAMAHA(日本)、ROCKBASS(WARWICK在美国注册的子公司牌子)、OLP(美国)、WASHBURN(美国) 的低型号琴、IBANEZ(日本)的低型号琴、SQUIER(FENDER子公司)、EPIPHONE 箱琴等等;还有一些是不为人知或知之甚少的,比如 IBANEZ 产品中获得评价最高的 AF、AR 系列等等,最近又传说 FENDER MEXICO GROUP(墨芬)停产后生产线要全部转移到中国。。。
刚又看到这期的《BASS PLAYER》杂志中推荐的25款$800以下的4弦贝斯,有两款是来自中国的,分别是 ROCKBASS VAMPYRE4(这个大家都知道是中国做的)和赫赫有名的 SPECTOR 的 PERFORMER4。
原来 SPECTOR 的低型号琴也是咱们中国给做的。

List price: $499; approx. street price: $349
Scale length: 34"
Weight: 7 lbs, 5 oz
Body: Alder
Neck: Maple
Fingerboard: Rosewood
Neck width at nut: 1 5/16"
Neck width at bridge: 2 1/4"
Electronics: Passive
Tone controls: Neck-pickup volume, bridge-pickup volume, neck-pickup tone, bridge-pickup tone
Made in: China
Warranty: Five years
Contact: 800-825-8810; www.spectorbass.com
With some of Spector’s U.S. models checking in at $4K and more, the imported Performer represents the most affordable end of Spector’s spectrum. It did, however, inherit elements of the more expensive models, like the ergonomic body contour and distinctive headstock. The well-built Performer has a solid five-bolt neck joint and neat, textured knobs, as well as above-average fretwork and nut slotting. Playability was excellent; the lightweight bass sits well against the body and balances perfectly. The wide EMG pickups provide ample thumb anchorage without interfering with pick playing or finger pops.
The Perfomer’s simple electronics seem to suit the refined-sounding EMG pickups. Since the bridge pickup is so close to the bridge, it has tremendous punch and bite when soloed. The soloed neck pickup is throaty, but it doesn’t have a very burly bottom. With the tone knobs fully up, the two pickups together have a depth and clarity I associate with active electronics. This setting is perfect for funky slap lines. Rolling back the tone knob yields big pickstyle rock tone. The Spector sounds particularly sweet in the upper register. The Performer is a solid buy. Comments: “Trad style worked well with the treble rolled off.” “Good thumb-mute punch for reggae.” “Nice and thick-sounding.”
相信中国制造的吉他/贝斯会越来越好。。。这是作为一个中国乐手最希望看到的! |