2003-11-25日 17:50 阅读:次 作者:wangjianguo整理琴友翻译 [大 中 小]
手工琴 VS 工厂琴 ——荣·费南德兹
在西班牙,吉他制作中最对应的区别是“技工琴(artisan guitars)”与“工厂琴(factory guitars)”,而非“手工琴(handmade guitar)”与“工厂琴”。
独立技工作坊。这种作坊中,技工师傅全程监控吉他的式样设计,以及所有吉他部件的生产及组装。每件乐器都是原创的——其实为一种类别之一把。面板的厚度、支架的种类及数量都由技工根据对特殊木材的特性评估而决定。吉他部件是小批量生产的,技工师傅独立工作或与学徒、子女一起工作,有时与合伙人一起工作。与工厂琴制作方法相比,独立技工作坊中鲜有劳动分工。木材是风干多年的,产量每年为12—30把。西班牙吉他世界级水平的制造商有felixmanzanero、archangel fernandez, marcelino barbero, miguel rodriquez ofcordoba, manuel reyes of cordoba, ignacio fleta, antonio marinmontero等等,不一而足。
今天,在巴伦西亚(valencia)附近,具有西班牙特色的工厂生产系统和熟练工生产系统的已经被整合进所谓的技工工厂中去了。在这种情形下,特定的吉他原型由标准的“工厂”生产系统的技术委员会制作,而其他更昂贵的、全单板的吉他原型则在部件制作工的辅助下,由熟练工组装最关键的部分。esteve, zambra 和 vicente sanchis吉他都是在技工工厂生产系统中制作的。
"handmade" vs "factory made" by ron fernández
here are a few points which deal with the issue of "what is a handmade guitar".
in spain, the most relevant distinction is between guitarras deartesania (artisan guitars or guitarras de fabrica (factory guitars),not what is a "handmade" guitar.
typically, we find that artisan guitars or master luthier guitarsare signed and dated. in contrast, "estudio", production (factory) andapprentice guitars are not normally signed and dated.
traditionally all aspects of guitar production were governed by thevihuela guilds (from 12th the early 19th century). these old guilds hadthe force of law behind them. the guilds determined who could makeinstruments, what they were sold for, the acceptable quality standards,etc. today, no such guilds exist, only voluntary luthiers' associationsand workers' unions.
currently guitar production in spain is organized in 3 basic ways:
independent artisan workshops. in such shops, the master artisan hasfull control over design, manufacture of all parts and assembly. eachinstrument is an original--it is a one of a kind. thicknesses ofsoundboard, types and number of bracings are determined by the artisanaccording to his evaluation of the properties of the particular piecesof wood. guitar parts are made in small quantities. the master worksalone or with an apprentice, offspring or sometimes a partner. there islittle division of labor compared with the factory method.woods areair-dried for many years. production is 12 to 30 guitars a year.examples of world class makers in spain are felix manzanero, archangelfernandez, marcelino barbero, miguel rodriquez of cordoba, manuel reyesof cordoba, ignacio fleta, antonio marin montero, and many others.
factory system. this produces a committee guitar. these can be ofhigh quality.this system produces numerous copies from the same guitarplan. many people make the parts and many people assemble the parts.woods are air-dried and kiln dried.the bracings and thicknesses ofparts are standarized and are not altered to respond to the individualcharacteristics of the specific pieces of wood.
journeyman system. this is a hybrid of the artisan and factorymethods. in this system parts are manufactured by a number of peoplebut a single experienced craftsman does all of the crucial assemblyoperations and modifies the thicknesses of parts according to hisintuition. finishing and fretting are typically done by a number ofpeople in the factory.
nowadays around valencia, spain aspects of the factory andjourneyman system are combined in what are called artesan factories. insuch situations certain guitar models are made by committees in thestandard "factory" system while other more expensive, all-solid modelsare made by skilled workers who do the crucial assembly supported byfactory workers who make the parts. esteve, zambra and vicente sanchisguitars are made in artesan factories.
http://www.guitarschina.com/news/cg/cg04/c_20031125/old_175028.htm |