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[古典吉他教学] 什么是classic吉他和classical音乐?

发表于 2008-4-30 01:26:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Classic guitar, classical guitar, classical music是容易混淆的概念.

首先说classical music, 严格说, 是指1730年到1820年之间的古典主义时期, 这个时期的特征是严格的曲式/form, monophony, diatonic scale等等. 其代表人物有很多, 比如莫扎特, 贝多芬(跨越古典主义和浪漫主义时代)等, 这个时期强调的是communication而不是后来浪漫主义时期的self-expression, 就同一首乐曲来说, 不同的乐器和组合应当能表现出基本一致的内容, 所以对曲式的要求非常严格. 其后, 尽管古典主义时代已经过去, classical这个概念仍然被使用, 泛指一切严肃音乐. 一些民间音乐和流行音乐也是其素材, 所以没有本质上的区别. 其实, 海顿, 舒伯特等人的作品在当时都是流行音乐.


Medieval music中世纪 (12世纪-文艺复兴时期之前)
文艺复兴时期Renaissance (1400-1600)
巴罗克时期Baroque (1600–1760)
        注意Early music(早期音乐)包括以上三个时期
古典主义时期案classical (1730 – 1820)
浪漫主义时期romantic(1815 – 1910)
20世纪古典音乐20th century classical(1900 – 2000)
现代古典音乐Contemporary classical(1975 – 现在)

20世纪和现代古典音乐种类风格繁多, New Age音乐是其中的一种类型, 大部分是为了放松而创作的, 比如Yoga, 按摩, 静坐时的缓慢抒情的音乐. 有两种形式: 一是电声音乐, 不属于严肃音乐范畴, 二是用严肃音乐方式表现的, 大体属于20世纪古典音乐.

classic guitar严格说是指我们现在用的古典吉他,其特点大家都知道, 比如以托列士琴身为基准, 664/650标准弦, 使用尼龙弦/羊肠弦/碳素纤维等. 如果一把民谣琴装上尼龙弦,它并不因此而成为classic guitar. 至于用这种吉他演奏什么类型的音乐, 比如Jazz, Flamenco, 那是另外一回事. 大家如果注意一下Julian Bream的唱片名称, 他常使用比较严格的classic guitar这个定义. 温哥华古典吉他协会的名称使用"classic guitar"这个名称, 也反映出来自UBC和Vancouver Academy of Music等学院派的影响.
至于classical guitar, 由于约定俗成的原因, 已经和classic guitar混用, 其原来的含义比classic guitar的定义要宽松, 泛指非Flamenco的西班牙尼龙弦吉他以及用其演奏的各种音乐.

关于classic guitar和classical guitar, 下面是VCGS主席Robert Jordan给我的一封信中的摘录, 也许对感兴趣的人有帮助:
Over a year ago when we were planning the Guitar Society this subject came up, of course, and we chose the name CLASSIC Guitar over the name CLASSICAL for this  reason.  CLASSIC refers to the  structure of the guitar itself which is designed to be played with the fingers ( 'fingerstyle') is usually strung with gut  (nylon) strings and whose origin lies in the late 18th Century and early 19th Century guitar design that is the basis of most 'classical guitar' design ever since (with considerable tonal development but no change of style and purpose).  

We also discussed the style of music played on this 'classic' instrument and its close relatives the flamenco, South American, Russian 7 string, 10 string Harp Guitars etc. etc. and  concluded that the style of music played was not the issue but the 'sound' of the instrument being suitable to the style of music played which already determines what kind of guitar   we choose to play it on.

We chose the name CLASSIC to distinguish from the classical music implications of the term CLASSICAL and also because of there being no common understanding among the public or even among guitarists what 'classical' means.

Certainly it means classical music - but not to people who never (or seldom) listen to classical music but nevertheless love the sound of the nylon string, finger style guitar.

In the '60s and '70s there was considerable discussion on this subject on the publication of Aaron Shearer's guitar method called Classic Guitar Technique and other works by him. Since then the meaning of Classic as a choice of term is understood to refer to the instrument and not tho the kind of music (i.e. "classical") that is played on it.  It also refers to manner of playing the instrument - i.e. by plucking the strings with the finger tips or the finger nails.  No pick is used for classic or classical guitar performance............ although it can be played with a pick! - but not in the finger - style way of providing  melody, bass and harmony simultaneously  which is used for classical and popular music etc.  JUST AS YOU CAN PLAY ALL KINDS OF MUSIC ON THE PIANO  -  SO YOU CAN ON THE GUITAR - hence the term Classic rather than Classical


[ 本帖最后由 cyberninja 于 2008-4-30 06:55 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-30 11:13:29 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-1 01:25:58 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢楼上, 音乐史是个常识, 大部分热爱音乐的人都应当有所了解. 弹奏的目的是为了表现音乐, 表现音乐当然就需要知道一点背景等基本知识.
其实部分专业业余的考级, 即使在国内, 到了一定级要加考音乐理论知识,就是这个道理.
发表于 2008-5-1 08:02:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-1 11:14:19 | 显示全部楼层
不错  还有待俺研究
发表于 2008-5-10 17:27:39 | 显示全部楼层
^12 英文很烂。。。丢脸了。。。不好意思。。。

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-20 14:25:04 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 伊格尼斯 于 2008-5-10 17:27 发表
^12 英文很烂。。。丢脸了。。。不好意思。。。


发表于 2008-11-20 15:40:16 | 显示全部楼层
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