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发表于 2008-5-8 20:14:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
很欣慰在2手论坛收到了3个日产单块,分别是DC-3,CE-2,FT-2,根据boss地带网站的介绍DC-3产于1988-1993,背面的贴纸是蓝色的属于第一批日产,绿色的属于90年代初的。根据效果器里的编号893984可以认定这块是89年的。属于珍品。ce-2产于1979-1982年,根据背面的贴纸是绿色可以认定是 80年的。82年之前也是绿标的ce2,台湾生产的,但是不怎么值钱。我这个编号是685300,国外网站没有估价。我这块ft2很新 还带盒子 品相好,根据编号891230,综合认定他也是89年的,国外估价99欧元。因为dc-3和ft-2产量小,所以比年代久产量大的ce-2更适合收藏。资料显示ft-2产于1986-1988年,背面都是黑色贴纸。但是我这个编号是89开头的,显然资料不是很准确。呵呵。他应该是1989停产的最后一批,所以很新。

DC-3 Digital Dimension
The DC-3 is the successor of the Dimension C (DC-2) pedal but it's still quite different. The DC-3 is a digital device while the DC-2 was an analog pedal. The DC-3 doesn't have the presets of the DC-2 but instead you can adjust the sound with the controls common to the other Boss chorus pedals.
Version differences
  • The name of the DC-3 was changed to "Digital Space-D" on later versions. The Digital Space-D was only sold in Japan

Boss Pocket Dictionary vol.6 (1989):
The DC-3 Digital Dimension is a new dimension effects unit which is totally digital, giving you clear, high quality dimensional sounds with perfect two-phase synchronization based on digital modulation. With chorus effects superior to those produced by conventional chorus effects, and which even surpass professional rack-mount units, this fully digital dimension unit provides 4 manual setting controls which let you create and custom-tailor over-whelmingly expansive effects with extremely accurate signal response.
Using the DC-3
  • Unlike chorus effects, which and vibrato as you increase the amount of effect on the signal, the DC-3's Digital dimension effect is spacious and natural-sounding with very little wavering, resulting in a more accurate, expansive feel.
  • A wide range of dimension effects can be achieved by adjusting the Effect Level, Equalizer, Rate and Depth controls. For chorus effects, change the balance for Rate and Depth.
  • Fig. 1 (E.Level 6, EQ 4, Rate 4, Depth 4) shows the setting for the most often used dimension sound, which enhances both solo and rhythm playing.
  • The setting in Fig. 2 (E.Level 8, EQ 5, Rate 0, Depth 8) adds distortion, resulting in the thick chorus-type sound or the effect obtained using a harmonizer. This setting is ideal for fattening up a rhythm guitar part over a medium-tempo hard rock piece.
  • Please note that the DC-3 must be set after distortion or overdrive effects near the end of the effects chain (like the chorus unit and volume pedal).

  • Controls: E. Level, Eq, Rate, Depth
  • Connectors: Input, Output A, Output B, AC Adaptor
  • Current Draw: 65 mA (DC 9V)
  • Input Impedance: 1Mohm
  • Residual Noise Level: Less than -100dBm (IHF-A)
  • Recommended Load Impedance: 10kOhm or greater
  • Sampling rate: 50kHz
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz (+1/-3 dB)
  • Recommended AC Adaptor: PSA Series
  • Blue - Made In Japan
  • Green - Made In Japan
CE-2 Chorus
The CE-2 was the first compact pedal chorus from Boss. The CE-1 was released 1976 and contained the exact same circuit as the Roland Jazz Chorus JC-120 Amp. The CE-2 builds on the legacy of the CE-1 but isn't identical. The middle region is boosted in the CE-2 compared to the CE-1. According to the design engineers this may be because the CE-1 had a lower input impedance.
Roland says that they stopped marketing the CE-2 November 1982. The pedal was however still produced and sold at least out 1990. The label changed from black to green 1984. The CE-2 was produced in Japan up until 1988 when production moved to Taiwan. The CE-2s circuit changed very little over its more than 10 years in production.
Version differences
  • The CE-2 exists in both silver screw and black screw versions.
  • The font used on the "Chorus" label is wider on some versions. This results in the C in CE-2 to be located under the r in Chorus on the earliest models while it later ended up under the u.
  • The circuit has gone through some minor changes but nothing significant. All versions of the CE-2 are designed around the MN3007 BBD using MN3101 clock driver.

  • Controls: Rate, Depth
  • Connectors: Input, Output, AC Adaptor
  • Current Draw: 9 mA (DC 9V)
  • Weight: 400 g. (14 oz)
  • Input Impedance: 470kOhm
  • Signal/Noise Ratio: 90dB or more
  • Recommended Load Impedance: 10kOhm or greater
  • Recommended AC Adaptor: ACA Series
  • Black - Made In Japan
  • Green - Made In Japan
  • Green - Made In Taiwan
The CE-2 was sold from October 1979 to November 1982.

FT-2 Dynamic Filter
The FT-2 is an Auto Wah pedal that fits into Boss line of Auto Wah's between the TW-1 and the AW-2. The cutoff frequency knob sets the central frequency and gives the FT-2 more active control that goes a step beyond other Auto Wah's. In Manual mode, the unit has EQ-like capabilities for creating tonal effects with a specific frequency. This pedal can be controlled by the touch sensitivity of the guitar string or add an external expression pedal to control it like a wah.
Boss Pocket Dictionary vol.6 (1989):
With the basic sound of a conventional wah-applied effect, the FT-2 Dynamic Filter makes a much more exciting sound possible through its Cut Off Frequency control that sets the center frequency where the effect occurs. Along with the Up/Down modes, a Manual mode is incorporated, letting the FT-2 perform as an equalizer for creating distinctive sound effects. With a Roland EV-5 expression pedal linked to the Exp In jack, the FT-2 takes on an active role as a wah pedal. A newly developed envelope detection circuit only affects the harmonics without impairing the fundamentals. The result is sound that's much smoother and more stable without any level attenuation than that of a T wah. With a Q control for filter peak level adjustment built-in, the FT-2 lets you produce effects that range from a softly filtered sound to a sharp, distinctive wah sound.
Using the FT-2
  • The Cut Off Frequency control is the secret to creating many effects with the FT-2.
  • Setting the Mode Selector to the Dynamic Mode, Fig. 1 (Sens 5, CutOff Freq 5, Q5, Mode Up), makes the FT-2 function as an auto wah unit that varies cut-off frequency according to picking force.
  • Choose between UP (frequency goes up as the input level increases) and DOWN (frequency goes down as the input level increases).
  • In the Manual/Exp mode, Fig. 2 (Sens 5, CutOff Freq 5, Q5, Mode Manual/Exp), the cut-off frequency is stable during picking so the filter frequency band can be varied with the cut-off frequency for equalizer-type use.
  • Connecting an EV-5 to the Exp In jack while in the Manual/Exp mode transforms the FT-2 into an effective wah pedal.

  • Controls: Sensitivity, Cutoff Frequency, Dynamic Q, 3-Way Mode Switch
  • Connectors: Input, Exp. In, Output, AC Adaptor
  • Current Draw: 16 mA (DC 9V)
  • Weight: 400g/0.88 lbs.
  • Input Impedance: 1Mohm
  • Residual Noise Level: -85dBm (IHF-A)
  • Recommended Load Impedance: 10kOhm or greater
  • Recommended AC Adaptor: ACA Series
  • Black - Made In Japan
The FT-2 was sold from October 1986 to December 1988.

[ 本帖最后由 蓝调吉他手 于 2008-5-8 20:24 编辑 ]
BOSS踏板效果器 014.jpg
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BOSS踏板效果器 008.jpg
BOSS踏板效果器 003.jpg
BOSS踏板效果器 006.jpg
BOSS踏板效果器 011.jpg
发表于 2008-5-8 20:31:38 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-8 21:38:48 | 显示全部楼层
2手效果器论坛啊~~^13 ce-2和od-1一样有银色钉子和黑色钉子2个版,银色的更早一些。
发表于 2008-5-8 22:52:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-9 10:59:40 | 显示全部楼层
不少老外也是 一排排的BOSS
BOSS有点好 大小都一样 摆放起来整齐好看
发表于 2008-5-9 11:09:29 | 显示全部楼层
哪天让BOSS 给你作个采访吧
发表于 2008-5-9 19:11:56 | 显示全部楼层
蓝版应该去代言BOSS老式效果器  只代言绝版的老式BOSS ^13
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-9 21:33:38 | 显示全部楼层
MZ-2 Metalizer
The MZ-2 is a somewhat unusual distortion pedal as it has 3 doubling modes, 2 chorus modes as well as a normal distortion mode. The distortion is produced in an analog circuit while the chorus and delay functions are created using a digital chip. The pedal has 2 main circuit boards where one of them is analog and the other one digital.

Boss Pocket Dictionary vol.6 (1989):
Designed especially to meet the needs of Heavy Metal and hard rock musicians, the MZ-2 is a new distortion effects unit with built-in digital chorus and doubling to produce the full-bodied, hard-edged distortion and powerful spatial effects very popular in hard rock music today. Incorporating 6 modes and stereo outputs, the MZ-2 can produce straight, no-nonsense distortion which can then be doubled or chorused, producing a wide range of popular hard rock and Heavy Metal effects.

Using the MZ-2

The MZ-2 is a new type of distortion unit that's optimized for creating Heavy Metal and Hard Rock sounds.
There are 6 Modes to select from, ranging from straight distortion, distortion plus digital delay doubling effects (3 types depending on delay time differences) to distortion plus digital chorus (2 types depending on the depth of chorus). Each Mode is instantly selectable and Modes can be switched as desired.
The setting indicated in Fig. 1 (Level 6, Tone 6, Drive 8, Mode Doub II) is ideal for Heavy Metal solos, combining rich distortion with a short delay.
Fig. 2 (Level 6, Tone 8, Drive 10, Mode Cho II)shows how to get a deeper, thicker distortion sound that fills more musical space. These settings combine heavy distortion with a deep chorus effect to give you a "three-dimensional" sound using the stereo outputs.
To intensity the sound when playing riffs, set the unit to doubling mode II and output the signal through the stereo outs.


Controls: Level, Tone, Drive, 6-way Mode switch
Connectors: Input, Output A, Output B, AC Adaptor
Current Draw: 70 mA (DC 9V)
Weight: 450g/0.99 lbs.
Input Impedance: 1Mohm
Equivalent Input Noise: -120 dBm (IHF-A)
Recommended Load Impedance: 10kOhm or greater
Recommended AC Adaptor: PSA Series

Blue - Made In Japan
The MZ-2 was sold from December 1987 to August 1992.

又从网友处收了一个日产mz-2,产于 1987-1992 ,这是一个特殊的失真产品,他有6个档,除了一个普通失真外,还有3个短延时,2个合唱档,属于双效果的失真。而且他还是双声道输出。实物图改天补上。

[ 本帖最后由 蓝调吉他手 于 2008-5-9 21:55 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-5-10 16:36:34 | 显示全部楼层
论坛好货都被你收了^13 ^13 ^13
发表于 2008-5-10 16:37:34 | 显示全部楼层
mz-2给你提前一步啊 !!!可以的话发个视听 可以么 ??
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-10 17:27:08 | 显示全部楼层
失真和hm-2一样 ,比较温暖,不重,短延时3个档,感觉一般,参数无法调节,有如鸡肋。合唱2档也是一样,弹节奏加合唱2档 宽广了些,国外评价是一款失败的单块,很快厂家就停产了。但是收藏价值还是不错的。这块品相很差 5成新都不到,打开里面电路板还算完好。确实很稀有。
发表于 2008-5-11 17:56:03 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵 版主真的很羡慕你 等将来你不要了 我可以从你那买!!呵呵呵 ^18 ^18 ^13 ^13 ^13
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-11 20:52:03 | 显示全部楼层
没什么好羡慕的   努力学习努力工作努力赚钱吧  等到30多岁  你还没忘这些爱好  你会买得起的
发表于 2008-5-12 19:05:27 | 显示全部楼层
恭喜蓝版又纳小妾^9 ^9 ^9 ^18
发表于 2008-5-12 19:14:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-12 19:30:28 | 显示全部楼层
一个问题 这样老的东西 音色有没有老化?我用过FT2,OC2感觉都老化得厉害声音都变了,FT2对低频基本没了反应,OC2则出来一些非八度的波动的声音。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-12 21:13:01 | 显示全部楼层
电路板应该不会老化的  有些地方有些脏了 打开清理一下   
我只有在收80年左右的ph-1r时 遇到过这个问题 声音不对了
我打开后 经过测试 发现有一处短路了  修好后一切都变正常了。
发表于 2008-5-13 16:29:25 | 显示全部楼层
^13 ^13 ^13
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-16 21:44:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-3 04:22:32 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 hotrats 于 2008-5-12 19:30 发表
一个问题 这样老的东西 音色有没有老化?我用过FT2,OC2感觉都老化得厉害声音都变了,FT2对低频基本没了反应,OC2则出来一些非八度的波动的声音。


OC-2,BOSS的OC系列,OC-2 OC-3都有这个特点,或称为弊端————所说的波动声音。若是单音,他便可识别并加载八度效果,如果是和旋,它们就识别紊乱了,wuooliwala的。完全支持和旋加载八度效果的BOSS单块效果器是PS-2和PS-3,PS-5里面的HARM档也不支持和旋。我想OC系列可能是为简单的SOLO设计的八度效果。

发表于 2008-7-4 00:33:12 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2008-7-4 02:01:39 | 显示全部楼层
初期使用NEC C4558C
81-82年是JRC 4558D(也是最贵最值得收藏的,可能是产量极少的缘故).
82年后到日产停产用的是JRC 4558DD.
发表于 2014-4-1 15:14:59 | 显示全部楼层
我89年买的  到现在还在使用 ft-2    df-2    ph-2    cs-2    dd-3 以及电源psm-5还有bcb-6的盒子  以前差点卖了  没舍得有感情了
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