发表于 2008-6-4 22:33:02
原帖由 xybelieke 于 2008-6-4 22:21 发表
无论你们怎么说,我还是认为EMG好,况且,你们在别人EMG的问题贴里,大谈其他拾音器不觉得风牛马不相及吗?我只是按照楼主的主题回答问题,没必要也没义务要回答你们的。 你们可以坚持自己的观点不改变,但请不 ...
All your words are your opinion, so its not the truth. How can you say that none of the SD PU is active???
Besides, Blackout uses battery too, and the price is almost the same as EMG but sounds better.
You have to take the responsability of your word if you want to suggest something to others
[ 本帖最后由 Possessed 于 2008-6-4 22:41 编辑 ] |