Rhcp 的贝司手Flea在7月3日给科比写了公开信,
we are on your side
we believe in you
we love you
we feel your frustration
and know that it is rooted in the truth
but...............come on man
don't leave us
whatever the front office problems are, that is the negative right
now for you
but we are the positive
who is more important?
we grew up with you
we have been your fans no matter what
you will never have as deep a love anywhere else
not in any other teamcity where they have hated you for your whole
i have friends in new york and chicago, serious nba fans
they have been talkin garbage about you forever
they hate you
all of them............
talk about whatever idiot in the laker organization mouthed off to
the press? they all say that stuff about you...all of them!
yeah they will be happy if you go there because you are the greatest
player , but it will not, could not be the truth, their love will be
we do not talk trash about you, havenot
we are here for you
we have been through all of it and stood by you
and that is more important than anything else that you will ever get
anywhere else
don't make ray allen look like nostradamous
don't prove your doubters right