发表于 2008-6-22 17:03:11
Notes: This is my main bass that I've used on practically every recording and live show for Mr. Big, Niacin, the Talas reunion much much more. It has the Simm's blue LED fret markers installed, and is wired (by myself) slightly different, but other than that, it's a production model NOT a custom shop model. I made a deal with Yamaha that my signature series basses would be the same for the regular customers as the one I played. Many companies give their artist's "special versions" of an instrument, and the ones for sale in the shops are of lesser quality. Yamaha did a spectacular job of maintaining the highest quality instruments for the consumer and myself. I'm proud to endorse the Yamaha basses and happy to be associated with such a wonderful company.
这是我主要使用的贝司,它跟随我在Mr. Big, Niacin, the Talas reunion 等这些乐团的许多许多场合演出和录音过,它的品标上装有LED蓝色的灯作为荧光标记,普通版本和我自己的版本只有这灯有这一点差别,它是一个生产线的标准,而不是一个custom shop 为我定做的标准。我和YAMAHA公司达成协议:我所代言的版本是与正常客户的版本是一样的。市面上很多公司给他们产品的代言艺术家定做高品质的“特殊版本”而在商店里面出售的是另外一种品质的的标准版本。
注:以上均出自BILLY SHEEHAN自己网站介绍 请大家多PP 谢谢···········
[ 本帖最后由 獾911 于 2008-6-22 17:32 编辑 ] |