楼主 |
发表于 2008-8-8 23:53:43
原帖由 Walkin'Bass 于 2008-8-8 23:30 发表 
但是自从我玩了这把PEAVEY GRIND 5之后,确实对PEAVEY的琴类产品增添了不少好感
虽然我这把是国内 ...
Peavey's new Grind Bass offers a unique sculpted neck and heel joint onthe body for maximum comfort and feel. It also has an offsetdeep-double cutaway for easy access and playability in the upperregister. The four-string model is the Grind Bass 4. The five-stringmodel is the Grind Bass 5.
Both basses feature a tilt-back headstock with straight string pull,a hard-rock maple neck with a 24-fret Pau Ferro fingerboard and a34-inch scale. The neck also features a two-way dual expandable trussrod for accurate and easy adjustments.
The Grind Bass 4 has one P-style and one J-style hum-cancelingpassive pickups and 12-inch fretboard radius. The Grind Bass 5 has twoJ-style hum canceling passive pickups and 15-inch fretboard radius.Both have on-board, passive or active, three-band EQ withpush/push-active treble boost, master volume and blend controls. The18-volt system uses two nine-volt batteries.
The body is made of lightweight, solid alder wood and both models areavailable in metallic orange, metallic topaz blue, silver pearl andblack. The Quadrajust bridge features individually adjustable saddles, astring-though design and solid-milled construction for accurateintonation and long sustain.
你那把GRIND是国产的?前段时间CIRRUS BXP在MF上百威的贝斯销量是第一的,现在已经被GRIND干下来了,排第四了,你这个型号现在是第一,哈哈。
[ 本帖最后由 金属暴徒 于 2008-8-8 23:58 编辑 ] |