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MXR好像总给人(其实可能只是我)一种:说贵不贵,说便宜不便宜,什么都还不错,就是少有特别杰出的玩意……不要提MXR M-104,用它的最大的腕儿之一 RANDY RHOADS,只是在solo时踩一脚,让MARSHALL的失真声更突出……也不要提PHASE 90,用它的最大的腕儿之一不用我说,人人都知道,他拿什么相位都能把ERUPTION弹得吓死人……
这里有两件我感兴趣的,分别是MXR M-173 CLASSIC 108 FUZZ PEDAL 法兹踏板和 MXR CARBON DELAY M-169 复写纸模拟延迟
跟过往MXR产品(实际MXR从没出过延迟产品)来比,第一个最重大的变化就是它终于开始TRUE BYPASS了,是的,这两件产品(包括MXR最近两年的大部分新品)都采用了TRUE BYPASS,以满足甚至狂热到非TB不买的TB迷们,替代了MXR外观一致性能不同的当家HARD BYPASS开关。
1.MXR厌烦了现在一大堆正规或者山寨厂家拿它招牌的FUZZ FACE改来改去的大赚特赚,有这钱,MXR自己还要赚呢!
于是诞生了这个青绿色,样子很好看,功能相当不错,内脏跟FUZZ FACE一样的M-173,终于搞了电池仓,不用拆机就可以换电池了!
话说回来,好多炒得火热,价格不菲的山寨FUZZ,无非就是在FUZZ FACE电路上改来改去,这回MXR一出手,自己把毛病都改了,包括外观!
我一直想搞FUZZ FACE来着,因为它经典……但是它的各种不便,让我每次蠢蠢欲动的烧包心理大打折扣,现在好了,官方的东西,山寨的修改……
就性能上来说,600MS,明显多于前段时间我特感兴趣的同价位IBANEZ AD9的延迟时间
倒是对广告提及的“内部修整装置”比较感兴趣,难道是学习了MI AUDIO?
MXR M-173 Classic 108 Fuzz Pedal
Guitarists of all styles, from Hendrix devotees to garage rockers and stoner-metal fanatics, will dig the familiar late-Sixties/early-Seventies crunch delivered by the new MXR M-173 Classic 108 Fuzz. We've taken the guts of our BC-108 loaded Fuzz Face, placed them in a more pedal-board friendly shape, and added the modern conveniences of a battery door, optional AC operation, and true bypass with LED. A selectable buffer switch eliminates the audible oscillation caused when some wah-wahs are placed in front of a Fuzz Face. The Silicon Classic 108 Fuzz, which comes in a heavy duty, Phase 100-sized box with a sweet, hammer-tone turquoise finish and features the high-quality jacks and switches that have made MXR pedals the road-ready standard on pedal-boards around the world for over 30 years.
任何风格的吉他演奏家,从亨德里克斯的信徒,到车库摇滚乐手,到石人金属狂热者(注:石人金属(Stoner Metal) 尽管这么多年以来,很多重金属乐队都被认为是在大麻影响下的产物,但是 stoner metal 明显是九十年代才出现的事物。),都会发现新的MXR M-173经典108法兹所输送的六十年代晚期/七十年代早期的熟悉的CRUNCH音色。我们掏空了我们的装备有BC-108管的FUZZ FACE效果器,将其内脏填入具有更友好形状的踏板里,加上了一个现代和便利的电池仓,可选交流电操作,带灯的TRUE BYPASS开关。一个可以切换的缓冲切换开关消除了当某些蛙音踏板被放在FUZZ FACE之前所带来的可听到的震荡声。硅管经典108法兹,身披耐用的,PHASE 100大小的可爱的青绿色表皮的锤打外壳,具有让MXR踏板30多年来在全世界的效果器板上都成为标准的高质量的接口和开关。
MXR M-169 Carbon Copy Analog Delay Pedal 复写纸模拟延迟的介绍和试听:
MXR M-169 Carbon Copy Analog Delay Pedal
Finally, a true analog delay that won't break the bank! The MXR M-169 Carbon Copy Analog Delay pedal proves that MXR is still on top when it comes to high quality effects. The M-169 is packed full of smooth, sweet delay. From super funky slap-back to long ethereal delay, the Carbon Copy Delay has all the bases covered. The new MXR Delay features old-school bucket brigade technology, all analog signal path, and hardwired true-bypass switching for pure signal all the time. The switchable modulation gives another option of wobbly trails and funky repeats. The MXR M-169 also features switchable modulation for an opium den of wobbly trails and funky repeats. Internal trim pots for adjustable width and rate make tweaking the modulation super fun.
MXR M-169复写纸模拟延迟踏板
终于,不让人倾家荡产的真正的模拟延迟(来了)!MXR M-169 复写纸模拟延迟踏板证明在谈到高质量效果器时MXR仍是优良产品。M-169充满了平滑,甜美的延迟,MXR涵盖了从细碎的FUNKY到飘渺的长延迟。新的MXR延迟装备有老式的戽链式延迟技术(????)、全模拟信号电路,以及保证纯正信号的TRUE BYPASS电路开关。可切换的调节钮(MOD)提供了摇动的尾音和FUNKY延迟遍数的另一种选项。MXR M-169同时装备有对摇动的尾音和FUNKY延迟遍数的进行鸦片烟馆式的调制(???????)。内部具备有趣的可修改调制宽度和比率的修整装置。
MXR M-169 Carbon Copy Analog Delay Pedal Tone
The Carbon Copy Delay is one of the nicest sounding analog delay pedals on the market today. The delay is smooth and rich, no staccato jerks or fuzzy trails here. Just your note, repeated as many times as you wish. The MXR M-169 has a Regen knob that controls the amount of repeats up to infinity...this in conjunction with the Mix and Delay time knobs can yield all sorts of self-oscillating madness. The short delays are very bathtubish and sweet, the long delays will take you back to Floydian acid-induced psychedelia. The M-169 Carbon Copy also features a modulation button that gives subdued modulation fun to the trails. Using the internal trim pots, again, acid-induced madness. We've tried every analog delay on the market and very few of them can even stand up next to the MXR Carbon Copy Delay in tone, none can compete in price.
MXR M-169复写纸模拟延迟踏板的音色
复写纸延迟具有当今市场上最好的声音。延迟声平滑丰满,除了你的音符按你所愿的那样重复外,没有断续抖动和模糊轨迹。MXR M-169有一个可以控制延迟遍数最大到无限的再生(REGEN,遍数)旋钮,配合MIX(干湿比)及DELAY TIME(延迟时间)旋钮,可以获得各种各样疯狂的摆动。短延迟像浴室一般并且甜美,而长延迟可以将你带回PINK FLOYD那些大麻气息的迷幻摇滚中。用用内置修整装置吧,疯狂的大麻气息更甚。我们试用了市场上所有的模拟延迟,少数在音色上可以和MXR复写纸延迟比肩,价格上则没法比(比MXR贵)。
[ 本帖最后由 网络恶少 于 2008-10-4 21:10 编辑 ] |