POD X3/POD X3 Live/POD X3 Pro Flash Memory V1.20 Release Notes:
If you are a POD X3 owner, please download and install the latest version of Line 6 Monkey software and use it to update your POD X3 to this latest version of Flash Memory.
- Momentary display of the amp tone knobs has been added to POD X3 and POD X3 Live.
- POD X3 Live and POD X3 Pro now support MIDI via the external MIDI jacks. Please see the MIDI CC Reference doc (posted in the Manuals section of www.line6.com for more info).
- Setting POD X3 Live or POD X3 Pro MIDI Channel to Omni now causes the unit to respond to MIDI CCs on any channel. If in Dual Tone mode, both tones are affected by the MIDI CCs. While MIDI channel is set to Omni, Tone 1 MIDI CCs are sent out Channel 1 and Tone 2 MIDI CCs are sent out channel 2.
- Tone Toggle has been added via MIDI. Please see the MIDI CC Reference doc (posted in the Manuals section of www.line6.com for more info).
- Ultra-Cool Line 6 Power-up splash screen has been added to POD X3 and POD X3 Live.
- Minor change to our digital tube models to improve higher harmonics.
- POD X3 Live FX Loop parameters are now tweakable via the onboard expression pedal.
- POD X3 room reflections no longer sweep from left to right.
- Assignable FBV Loop switch can now control Tone 2 for POD X3 and POD X3 Pro.