在线时间 小时
发表于 2009-2-19 00:35:04
原帖由 GANGSTER 于 2009-2-14 13:08 发表 
呵呵 不知道什么时候大家才能弄明白这个问题
总之 GT2应该进调音台 进PA 进声卡 进录音设备 。。。。
如果你一定要觉得GT2进吉他箱子的声音也很好 那就没办法了,但是有一点是可以确定的 这样接声音更窄了 而且某 ...
關於GT2的正確用法,我自己說或許沒什麼說服力,所以我特別發了個電郵請教了Tech 21(Sansamp系列的生產商)官方的技術人員(回我的是他們的Product Manager, Lloyd Schwartz ),這裡說說給大家一個參考。
請各位先看看Tech 21的另一個產品:http://www.tech21nyc.com/products/amps/guitar/trademark30.html
這個名為Trademark 30(TM30)的AMP,如大家細心觀看,就會發現在調節版中其實內包含了一個GT2,和GT2一樣,上面有「AMP」、「MOD」的選項,唯一不同的是,原本GT2上的「MIC」選項,這裡變成了「SPEAKER」選項。原本GT2上面的「MIC」我們知道這就是「cab > mic」的模擬,能模仿三種不同的MIC擺位;而TM30上的「SPEAKER」就是模仿了三種不同特色的SPEAKER,沒帶MIC的模擬,只是單純的SPEAKER模擬。為什麼會在TM30上不照用「MIC」的選項而變成「SPEAKER」選項呢?可能就是怕上面的朋友說到,將已帶「cab-mic」模擬的單塊接上一個amp再用mic收音,是一極不合理的事,在同一個amp之中,自己自帶「cab-amp」,就更不合理吧?於是換成了「speaker」的選項,這就變得合理吧?
看到這裡,可能大家會想:這不就証明了,連官方自己都覺得將已帶「cab-mic」的GT2接上amp是不合理嗎?但有趣的是,我大膽地請教官方這項所謂「SPEAKER」其實是否和GT2上面的「MIC」是一樣的?對方直認不諱,答:「YES」!(對方亦強調了一點,設計上TM30的中頻比GT2重一點,兩者聲音是有風格上的差別的,但不影響我們這裡的討論。)當然,他的「yes」有可能也說指兩者在用同一種技術,而不是替兩者100%一樣,但我們知道模擬MIC聲,和模擬SPEAKER聲,理論上是完全是兩碼子的事,但原來真相卻是來自同一件東西,那麼GT2的「cab-mic」模擬是怎的一回事,相信大家也心中有數吧?所以Schwartz也強調,GT2其實都只是一種combination of song的器材。
在GT2的說明書中多處是到直插音箱及PA的使用要點,再討論哪個不能接也沒意思。 Lloyd Schwartz 最後增了我一句吉他手的老生常談:「In the end, whichever way sounds best to YOU is the "best way".」( 能得到最你來說是最好的聲音,這就是最好的方法) 我們想想,TS9根本不是為了成為booster而設計的,但事實上單純用它作booster的人遠比真的拿它作overdive的人多不知多少;fender bassman由bass amp給用成guitar amp,官方以後就設計guitar專用的bassman,這也是經典的故事;在Michael Schenker之前也沒有人會使用「固定」wah音……所以,還是那一句話,只要不會為器材帶來構成物理性的破壞或令我們受傷,任何器材值得我們找出它的各種可能性,設計原意不是一條死的規定。
以下是我的email 原文:(本人英文不太好,如有什麼文法錯誤,請大家不要見怪)
Dear sir,
I get a GT2 here, i have a question about this nice padel.
Someone said that GT2 is disigned main aim to plug into a PA system not for amp.Ever GT2 has "Universal Output " and it "can" connect to an amp or cabinets, but it doesn't means it "Should" plug into an amp. For they reason, GT 2 has already done the job of simulating the "preamp > cab > mic" sound itself. So that it doesn't make sense for us to plug it into an amp to get the "amp/cab > mic" sound "again".
After hearing that, I have the follow questions:
1. Are they true?
2. Dose it means that GT 2 have a better sound when plug into a PA rather than an amp?
3. Dose the "Mic" switch really doing the mic simulation, or it is just adjusting the tone?
4. I find that the amp "Trademark 30" has something like GT2 switichs on the controls panel, dose the "Speaker" switch actually same as (or something like) the "Mic" of GT2?
I am looking forward to hearing the answer as I want to find the best way to use my GT2, thanks so much!
a GT2 ower
Dear Ken,
Thanks for your inquiry, but "someone" said? I'll bet "someone else" said just the opposite!
The GT2, like all SansAmps, can be used as a tube amplifier emulator for direct recording, or straight into the PA, or as a preamp when connected to a power amp and speaker, or into a guitar amp to "warm up" a solid state tone, or as an overdrive. There's no problem using it with a guitar speaker... it will make any amp sound more "professional" and "focused" (like a good studio-recorded sound).
1. Everyone's entitled to their opinion... even if it's wrong. :-)
2. No. You'll get "pure" GT2 tone through a PA, but you'll get a good combination of both sounds when you run it through an amp.
3. Moving mic to different positions around the speaker cone will change the tone, so really... what's the difference?
4. Yes, but the personality of the TM30 is more "vintage" and " '70s classic rock", with more midrange. The GT2 has a "scooped" midrange, with more gain and "sizzle", so it's better for "modern" amp tones like '80s metal, '90s grunge, and the current Vai/Satriani tones. So even though the controls look the same, the sound is very different.
In the end, whichever way sounds best to YOU is the "best way".
Lloyd Schwartz, Product Manager
[ 本帖最后由 flower_people 于 2009-2-19 00:42 编辑 ] |