0047u - Lots of low end in the gain making the attack feel soft
.0022u - cuts the lows in the gain a little making it tighter (stock on XTC)
.001u - this value gives the module really tight pick attack.
简单说 数值越小 高频越多 当然品牌不一样 效果也很不一样 喜欢VINTAGE推荐油沁电容
另外个人试验感受 V数越高 失真颗粒感越好 我的是SSS的ST琴 装的思碧0.047/2500DC的油沁古董电容 硬生生拆了一个TONE钮才勉强装下 效果变化巨大 十分满意 最好自己买来试试吧 花几十块解决大问题
原帖由 再生 于 2009-4-6 23:35 发表
0047u - Lots of low end in the gain making the attack feel soft
.0022u - cuts the lows in the gain a little making it tighter (stock on XTC)
.001u - this value gives the ...
原帖由 再生 于 2009-4-6 23:35 发表
0047u - Lots of low end in the gain making the attack feel soft
.0022u - cuts the lows in the gain a little making it tighter (stock on XTC)
.001u - this value gives the ... 我的是SSS的ST琴 装的思碧0.047/2500DC的油沁古董电容 硬生生拆了一个TONE钮才勉强装下............