I've been displeased with the XTC clean channel and just endured it for the most part all of these years. I've dissected the blue and red channels down to each grid, plate and cathode but never took the time to look into the green channel. Today I got my multimeter out, pulled the chassis on the XTC and went to work. I have the XTC schematic so I was able to follow along.
The XTC's clean preamp is a Fender Super Reverb/Deluxe Reverb clone. If anyone has played a good Fender blackface like a Super Reverb or Deluxe Reverb you know that the normal channel does not have a mid and presence control and the XTC has both mid and presences.
XTC的Clean通道的前级是山寨版的Fender Super Reverb/Deluxe reverb。
如果你曾经玩过类似Super Reverb或者Deluxe Reverb这种Blackface系列的货色,你肯定知道它们的Normal通道是没有中频(Mid)和现场感(Presence)旋钮的。XTC的不同之处在于这两个控制旋钮它都有。
Lets start with the mid control.
The XTC clean uses a 25k linear mid pot and the Fenders use a FIXED setting of 6.8k for the mids, no pot just a 6.8k resistor. So you have no control over the mids, its stuck on 6.8k. So where is 6.8k on the mid pot you say? I took a reading on the mid pot and the magic setting of 6.8k is around 10 o'clock on the XTC's mid control. For what its worth a Twin Reverb does have a mid control and its a 10k Audio pot.
XTC的Clean通道采用了25k线性电位器,而Fender用的是固定6.8k电阻,而不是可调的电位器,因此咱没法修改Fender Mid的设置,它就固定在6.8k上了。如此说来,找到XTC Mid电位器上的6.8k的位置就是我们需要做的了。经过一番鼓捣,我发现6.8k的位置是在Mid旋钮的大学10点钟方向。Twin Reverb是有Mid控制器的,那是一个10k的电位器。
Another component to the coveted Fender clean tone is the bright switch. Fender
The bright switch on a Fender is a 120pf which boost the extreme highs, the higher the value the more you start boosting the mids . On the XTC you have 3 choices B1=100pf, N=OFF, B2=220pf. 100pf is a lot closer to 120pf than 220pf so obviously you want to choose either B1 or N for the Fender tone. You will not hear the difference between 20pf's.
Presence control or lack there of on a Fender is easy on the XTC. Assign the presence B to the green channel and turn it completely off or down......thats it. Its as if its not there and take it out of the circuit.
现在说Presence旋钮。在XTC上这个设置是比较容易的。指定Presence B开关到Green通道,然后把与其相关的旋钮拧到0。这样,我们可以认为已经把它从线路中拿掉了。
Most people know this but its worth repeating. On a Fender there is NO master volume just a volume. Set the volume on the XTC to max and now your Gain control becomes your volume. This gives you the absolute best and complete mix of the pre and power amp.
虽然很多人都知道,但是我还是想多白乎几句。刚才说的Fender箱子上是没有Master Volumn的,只有一个音量钮。因此,对应在XTC上,你需要把音量开到头,然后用Gain来控制整体音量。这么做可以让前后级的搭配最完美。
Excursion setting. There isn't any type of bass boost in a Fender pwr amp so set the XTC to Tight which is OFF.
XTC上的Excursion拨档在这个痛里没用,所以关掉它就行了。 So a quick recap:
Mid control 10 O'clock (6.8k) Bright switch either B1 or N Presence turned all the way down or off Volume maxed and use the gain for adjusting volume Excursion set to Tight Thats it! With these settings you can adjust the treble, bass and volume (gain control actually) to taste and you'll be in Fender heaven! The only thing missing is the Fender power amp and open back cabinet with Jensen Alnico speakers for the perfect Fender clean but that would really mess up the Marshally sounding lead channels.
搞定!下面你自己就可以通过调节高频、低频和Gain,在Fender痛中爽去吧!XTC没法模拟原汁原味的Fender痛的唯一之处是后级不一样,除此之外你还需要搞一个开背的Jensen Alnico喇叭的箱体。但是如果你真这么搞了,XTC的Marshall痛又消失无踪了……
I hope these tips help you get the most out of your XTC's clean!! Note: The above suggestions are specifically for the 101B. Both the Classic and 100 models stray a bit from the Fender blackface design and does not have the assignable presence.
注:我上面说的方法仅适用于101B。XTC Classic和100这两种型号的声儿跟Fender有点不搭界,它们也没有可指定的Presence控制钮。