Tommy Emmanue 作为世界上最好的指弹吉他大师Tommy Emmanuel在2008年发行了这张教学DVD,这张DVD共收录Tommy16首吉他演奏曲的演示。这是指弹爱好者的福音,如果你是 Tommy 的fans,更加不要错过。 曲目:
Luttrell (Only)
Timberlake Road (Only)
Drive Time (Only)
Mombasa (Only)
Those Who Wait (Only)
Train to Dusseldorf (Only)
Angelina (Endless Road)
Endless Road (Endless Road)
The Man With The Green Thumb (Endless Road)
Old Town (Endless Road)
Tall Fiddler (Endless Road)
The Mystery (The Mystery)
Gameshow Rag Cannonball Rag (The Mystery)
Diggers' Waltz (The Mystery)
Lewis and Clark (The Mystery)
Antonella's Birthday (The Mystery)