The wounds on your hands never seem to heal 面对着难以愈合的掌中分离。
I thought all I needed was to believe 唯一需要的,是再次融入。
Here am I, a lifetime away from you 站在流逝之外
The blood of Christ, or the beat of my heart 止住信仰的血,伤及灵魂。
My love wears forbidden colours 爱溺于禁色,
My life believes 我一世相信。
Senseless years thunder by 前世流转,空泛,
Millions are willing to give their lives for you 光华匿迹,
Does nothing live on? 无一幸免?
Learning to cope with feelings aroused in me 当我终究学会抵御氛围。
My hands in the soil, buried inside of myself 深藏于土,礼葬于心。 |