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发表于 2009-9-3 16:25:25
key word: 试完再买
I have a Soldano Hot Rod 50+ and on the drive channel, while runningeffects in the loop, it cuts the drive channel volume a great deal andthe clean channel a bit less. But if I turn the effects off, then it’sjust fine. If I run the effects in line with the guitar, it’s fine. Whywould my effect loop have such a negative effect on my overall tone? Isthere a mod or update I can do to the loop? This is the only amp I havethat my delay sounds worse in the effect loop. Please help!
Hi Josh,
Thanks for your question. Since you say your effects work just finewith a guitar signal, I have to assume that they’re guitar leveleffects and they’re probably functioning just fine—which is yourproblem. Your effects are guitar level effects. The signal in theeffects loop of your amp is more than likely much greater than a guitarlevel signal, and the effects are not able to process such a highlevelsignal. Most effects pedals are powered by 9V DC. Those 9 volts arethen generally split into the plus and minus supplies, which arenecessary to power the ICs that are the basis for most effects. Thevoltage levels of those supplies govern the amount of signal that theeffect is capable of processing. Once that level is reached, the effectcan no longer produce a higher signal level.
To sum it up, if the signal in the loop is higher than the effect iscapable of reproducing, the resulting output of the effect will besubstantially lower than the input, leading to a reduction in volume.There are some effects that are now powered by 18V DC (two 9-voltbatteries or an 18-volt supply), which would theoretically double theamount of signal the effect is capable of reproducing. You may want tosearch these out and see if any company (mostly boutique builders)offers the effect you require.
Another possible solution, since the effects loop in your amp ispre-Master Volume, would be to see if you could have the effects loopmoved to a different location in the circuit. Since this is a circuitboard amp, it may require some trace cutting, but if you find atechnician who is experienced enough, you could have him locate theeffects loop just prior to the phase inverter. This would place theloop post-Master Volume, and the signal level would be much lower withmoderate Master Volume settings. Of course, the signal level would bedependent on the Master Volume settings, so if you run the MasterVolume at very high settings, this may still pose a problem for theeffect—but it may be worth a try.
Now you know how the loop affects your effects.
[ 本帖最后由 weekbook 于 2009-9-3 16:38 编辑 ] |