实在是无聊,最近突然对prs se价格感兴趣,于是跑到美国很著名的吉他论坛,问了问他们那里卖多少钱。。。
from china ! a bout the prs se's money!
frist , hellowe veryone , you see , i know a little english .
and i got a question . that is about prs se Custom
in china PRS se custom 24 , cost 5000RMB = $750 .
i hear some about this , in USA , it cost $500
so I want to know , how much is PRS se custom ?
if you know this , please help me
and my english is poor , i am very sorry about this ...
at last , this is the chiese BBS , named "guitarchina" “吉他中国" http://bbs.guitarschina.com/
welcome ....
You're right, it costs 500 USD in America, through musiciansfriend
还有个丹麦友人自爆他们那里卖 1200刀。。。
It's probably because of freight and taxes into china. It's the same for me, I'm in denmark, they cost 1200 USD here
[ 本帖最后由 sighlee 于 2009-11-13 16:54 编辑 ] |