前一段时间从论坛上买了把80年代的雅马哈吉他,从网上找到了一些辨别吉他生产年代的资料。 Made in Japan, 1986-1989:
#-letter-#####. 5I04013.
The first number is an internal code. The letter is the month; February (see chart). The next two numbers are the date; 4th. The last three numbers are the unit number; 13. There is no indication of year in this configuration--just "sometime between '86 and '89.
根据以上一段描述,1986-**的雅马哈电吉他的序号是特别的,第二位是英文字母,第一位个其他的都是数字。 我的琴编号是 2Y10028 ,符合这段描述。而且结合那个型号是80年代末的,所以认定。呵呵。(那个年代的木头确实好 n June 2 of 1961,1971, 1981, 1991, or 2001. | | | 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001 | | 1962, 1972, 1982, 1992, 2002 | | 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, 2003 | | 1964, 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004 | | 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005 | | 1966, 1976, 1986, 1996, 2006 | | 1967, 1977, 1987, 1997, 2007 | | | | | | 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 |
Alot of people have written in to say, "Hey! My Yamaha serialnumber looks nothing like this!" To you folks, we offer thefollowing: Several other serial number configurations used by Yamaha over theyears. If you still can't figure it out, feel free to send us an email andwe'll do what we can to help.
Alternate serialnumber configurations for Yamaha Classical and Acoustic Guitars
CustomShop, Made in Japan, 1966-1985:
001-1042 insequence
CustomShop, Made in Japan, 1986-1990:
Letter-####,like so: J7012.
Theletter at the beginning represents the month, so J would be March (see chartabove).
Thenumber following the letter is the year, in this case 7 for 1987.
Thelast three numbers indicate unit number. 012=12th unit.
CustomShop, Made in Japan,1991-1996:
Letter-letter-###-letter,like so: HP213J.
Usingthe charts, we see that H=1991 and P=September. 213=unit number; and that lastletter is an internal code.
CustomShop, Made in Japan,1997-2003:
Letter-letter-###,like so: NK333.
Usingthe chart, N=1997 and K=April. The three numbers are again, unit number. Unitnumber 333 in this case.
CustomShop, Made in Japan, 2004-:
Letter-letter-letter-###-letter,like so: QLY111C.
Q=0and L=5, so 2005. Y=November. 111 is the unit number; and the final letter isan internal code.
YamahaMusic Craft, Made in Japan,1997-1999:
Letter-letter-###-letter,like so: ON521J. (That first letter is an "oh" not azero.)
Thefirst letter is the year; O=1998. The second letter is the month; N=July. Thethree numbers are the unit number; this started over each month at 500, so unitnumber 21. The final letter is an internal code.
YamahaMusic Craft, Made in Japan, 1999:
Letter-letter-###,like so: PM222.
Thefirst letter is the year; P=1999. Second letter is the month; M=June. The lastthree numbers are the unit number. During 1999, they starting the count eachmonth at 200 rather than 500. (See previous entry for Yamaha Music Craft formore on the numbering.)
YamahaMusic Craft, Made in Japan, 2001-:
Letter-letter-letter-###-letter,like so: QIL123A.
Thefirst two letters are the year; Q=0 and I=2, so 2002. The third letter is themonth; L=May. The three numbers are the unit number; 123. The final letter isan internal code.
Tenryu/WadaFactory, Made in Japan,1946-1968:
#####. 12233. Justfive digit numbers in sequence. No year of manufacture can be determined.
Tenryu/WadaFactory, Made in Japan,1969-1984:
######.Six numbers, like so: 710502.
Thefirst two numbers are the year. In this case 1971. The second two numbers arethe month; here, May. The final two numbers are the unit number.
Tenryu/WadaFactory, Made in Japan,1985-1986:
######.Six numbers like so: 860021.
Thefirst two numbers are the year; 1986. The last four numbers are the unitnumber; 21.
Kaohsiung Factory, Made in Taiwan,1971-2001:
########.Eight numbers, like so: 10918111.
Thefirst number is the year; 1971. The second and third numbers are the month;09=September. The fourth and fifth numbers are the day; 18th. The final threenumbers are the unit number; 111.
KaohsiungFactory, Made in Taiwan,2001-:
Letter-letter-letter-######.Three letters, six numbers, like so:QIM183112.
Thefirst two letters are the year; Q=0 and I=2, so 2002. The third letter is themonth. M=June. The first two numbers are the day; 18th. The final four numbersare the unit number; 3112.
YMMI(Yamaha Music Manufacturing Indonesia),Made in Indonesia,1990-1996:
########.Eight numbers, like so: 20918022.
Thefirst number is the year; 1992. The second and third numbers are the month;09=September. The fourth and fifth numbers are the day; 18th. The last threenumbers are the unit number; 22.
YMMI,Made in Indonesia,1997-1999:
#########.Nine numbers, like so: 803180011.
Thefirst number is the year; 1998. The second and third numbers are the month;March (03). The fourth and fifth numbers are the day; 18th. The last fournumbers are the unit number; 11.
YMMI,Made in Indonesia,2000-:
##########.Ten numbers, like so: 0002180013.
Thefirst two numbers are the year; 00=2000. The third and fourth numbers are themonth; 02=February. The fifth and sixth numbers are the day; 18th. The last fournumbers are the unit number; 13.
YMMI,Made in Indonesia,2001-:
Letter-letter-letter-######,like so: QIM180013.
Thefirst two letters are the year; Q=0 and I=2, so 2002. The third letter is themonth; June (see chart above.) The first and second numbers (following the 3letters) are the day; 18th. The final four numbers are the unit number; 13.
Alternate serialnumber configurations for Yamaha Electric, Archtop, and Bass Guitars
Madein Japan,1966-1984. For SG, SX, and BB series.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 38105-39943 (SG-175, SX-125)
1001-1390 (SG1000)
1001-1126 (SG2000) | | 001391-002365 (SG1000)
001251-002610 (SG2000)
001001-001270 (BB1200)
001271-001320 (BB2000) | | 002366-003110 (SG1000)
002611-003760 (SG2000)
001321-002965 (BB1200)
002001-002380 (BB2000) | | 003111-004445 (SG1000)
003761-005088 (SG2000)
002966-004000 (BB1200)
002381-002920 (BB2000) | | 004446-005329 (SG1000)
005081-005375 (SG2000) | | | | | | | | | | |
Madein Japan, 1984-1986:
Letter-letter-letter-letter-###.Four letters and a number, like so:LJQH013.
(Seechart at the top of the page.) The first letter is the year; 1985. The secondletter is the month; March. The third and fourth letters are the date; QH=01.The three numbers at the end are the unit number.
Madein Japan, 1984-1996:
Letter-letter-####.Two letters, four numbers, like so: MI0031.
Thefirst number is the year; 1986. The second number is the month; February. Thefour numbers are the unit number; 31.
Madein Japan, 1986-1989:
#-letter-#####. 5I04013.
Thefirst number is an internal code. The letter is the month; February (seechart). The next two numbers are the date; 4th. The last three numbers are theunit number; 13. There is no indication of year in this configuration--just"sometime between '86 and '89.
Madein Japan, 1995-1999:
######.Six numbers, like so: 610101.
Thefirst number is the year; 1996. The next two numbers are the month; 10=October.The final three numbers are the unit number; 101.
Madein Japan, 1994-1997:
#-letter-letter-###.Like so: 7FM123.
Thefirst number is the year; 1997. The letter (2nd position) is an internal code.The next letter (3rd position) is the month; in this case M=June (see chart.)The final three numbers are the unit number.
Madein Japan, 1997-:
#-letter-letter-####,like so: 8FJ0013.
Thefirst number is the year; 1998. The letter (2nd position) is an internal code.the letter (3rd position) is the month; March (see chart.) The final fournumbers are the unit number; 13.
Madein Japan, 1988:
Letter-letter-letter-letter-###,like so: SMQI123.
Thefirst letter is an internal code. The second letter is the month; June. Thethird and fourth letters are the date; QI=02. So, June 2nd, 1988. The threenumbers are the unit number; 123.
Madein Japan, 1989-2002:
Letter-letter-letter-letter-###,like so: SKJL321.
Thefirst letter is an internal code (both I and S were used). The second letter isthe month; K=April. The third letter is an internal code for Japan. Thefourth letter is the year; L=1995. The three numbers at the end are the unitnumber.
Madein Japan, 2002-:
Letter-letter-letter-###-letter,like so: QJM111E.
Thefirst and second letters are the year; QJ=03. The third letter is the month;M=June. The three numbers are the unit number; 111. The final letter is aninternal code (could be E, F, I, or S.)
Madein Taiwan,1984-2002:
Letter-letter-#####,like so: PH07123.
Thefirst letter is the year; P=1999. The second letter is the month; H=January.The first two numbers (07 inthis example) are the day; 7th. The final three numbers are the unit number;123.
Madein Taiwan,2002-:
Letter-letter-letter-######,like so: QJM120013.
Thefirst two letters are the year; QJ=03. The third letter is the month; M=June.The two numbers that follow are the day; 12th. The final four numbers are theunit number; 0013 (13).
Madein Korea and Madein China,2003-:
Letter-letter-letter-####-letter,like so: QKJ0011Y.
Thefirst two letters are the year; QK=04 (see chart.) The third letter is themonth; J=March. The four numbers that follow are the unit number; (00)11. Thelast number is an internal code (could be D, R, U, or Y.)
Believeit or not, this list does not cover all possible serial numbers.Hopefully, this will help many of you! Again, if you're still having trouble,please drop us an email. Send the serial number and a picture of the guitar inquestion.
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[ 本帖最后由 蓝调吉他手 于 2009-11-20 12:06 编辑 ] |