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有史以来最伟大的50个吉他单块(2005年Music Player网上杂志评选)

发表于 2009-12-9 02:09:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这是2005Music Player网上杂志评选出的自从有单块以来历史上50个最牛逼(greatest)的单块。给喜欢收集单块的朋友做个参考,少走些弯路。当然这种评选难免挂一漏万,因为是从历史角度回顾,自然还有很多很好的单块不在其中。不过列在这里的都是最有代表性的,开创音乐新领域的原创性的单块。



ADA Flanger
Debut: 1977
With its 35-to-1 sweep ratio—which was more than doublethat of the MXRAuto Flanger and Tycobrahe Pedalflanger—the ADA could sweep anaudiosignal over the horizon faster than you could say “voltagecontrolledclock oscillator.” When it comes to extreme flange effects,the ADA is stillunbeatable.

Arbiter Fuzz Face
Debut: 1966
You’d have to have been frozen in a glacier for the past3,000 years tonot know about the Fuzz Face or the left-handed Strat player whomade itfamous. Introduced in 1966 by London’s Arbiter Music,thedynamic-sounding Fuzz Face represents mankind’s best use of twotransistors,four resistors, and three capacitors.

Bixonic Expandora=
Debut: 1995
Surfacing at the height of the mid-’90s stompbox boom, theExpandoramade friends fast with its rich fuzz sounds and its ability tobeoptimized for distortion or overdrive via a pair of internal dipswitches.Billy Gibbons’ onstage use of multiple Expandoras (most ofwhich weren’t hookedup to anything) helped make the effect an overnightsuccess.
90年代中期的fuzz单块,很容易调出来牛逼的失真。Billy  Gibbons舞台上用的,所以该单块一夜成名。

Boss CE-1 Chorus Ensemble~
Debut: 1976
Famous for its lush analog sound, the stereo CE-1 set thestandard bywhich all chorus pedals are judged. With its dualfootswitches(chorus/vibrato and effects bypass), input-level switch,chorus intensity andvibrato depth and speed controls, the CE-1 was alsoone of the most flexible ofthe breed.

Boss DM-2 Delay
Debut: 1981
Highly regarded for its tape-flavored tones, this classicanalog delaypedal specializes in short echoes (33ms to 330ms), and featuresecho,intensity, and repeat rate controls. Cranking the intensity knobmakesfor a pretty rad effect in itself!
磁带延时的感觉。短延时很牛逼(33ms to 330ms)。

Boss DD-3 Digital Delay
Debut: 1986
This ultra-popular digital pedal gave guitarists fargreater sonicflexibility than was possible with analog technology. Clearsounding,quiet, and delivering up to 800ms of delay, the DD-3 was animmediatehit. Features include dual outputs and a handy hold functionthat will loop adelayed part infinitely.

Boss DS-1 Distortion
Debut: 1979
This ultra-classic distortion box is known for its warm,tube-like growland excellent dynamics and punch. If you could have only onedistortionbox, you couldn’t go wrong with a DS-1.

Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
Debut: 1991
Packing furious gain and powerful EQ, the MT-2 is wellequipped for scorching lead tones and gut-shaking, modern-metal chunk.

Colorsound Overdriver
Debut: 1972
Boosted grind is the forte of this great-sounding,British-madeoverdrive. Equipped with drive, treble, and bass controls,theOverdriver is ideal for making even clean amps perform very dirtytricks—justask Jeff Beck.
英国产的失真。能让最干净的箱子发出脏声音。Jeff Beck用的。

Demeter Tremulator
Debut: 1982
Designed to deliver soft, amp-style tremolo with no volumelosses orunwanted coloration, the compact Tremulator needs only speed anddepthcontrols to yield smooth, Fender-style pulse.
能发出柔软,管箱一样的颤音,而没有音量损失和印染。体积小。类似FENDER 管箱式的平滑颤音。

Guyatone Flip Series VT-X Vintage Tremolo
Debut: 1999
The VT-X is a fat-sounding, tube-powered tremolo thatoffers a widerange of trem speed, as well as a bevy of controls. Alongwithintensity, speed, and tone knobs, the unit sports a slow/fast rangeswitch andan Emphasis function that adds bite to the tones withouttaking the warm,amp-like undulations straight to the chopping block.The VT-X features dualoutputs and is powered by a 12-volt AC adapter.Put it last in line and digwhat it does for your tone!

DigiTech Whammy
Debut: 1991
This 11-year-old audio acrobat is currently performing itsdigitalwang-bar tricks, chorus-like manual detuning, andpedal-controlledinterval morphing for a generation of nu-metal players.Even jazzers such asJohn Scofield and Jim Hall have grooved on thiswild pedal. If you’re itchingto get down with something spicier than anoctave fuzz, but not as diabolic asa ring-modulator, the Whammy is agreat middle ground.
哇音单块。电子哇音。新金属里用得多。但是爵士吉他手比如John Scofield和Jim Hall也用。可以当作音调升降单块用。

Dunlop 535Q Wah
Debut: 2001
The 535Q is like having several wah pedals in one. Itsmultitude offunctions (which include a 6-position wah range switch, a wahfine-tunecontrol, a boost on/off switch, and “Q” and volume trimmers) mayinviteoption anxiety, but they give the 535Q the flexibility and powertofield everything from funk to metal.

Electro-Harmonix 16-Second Digital Delay
Debut: 1982
Electro-Harmonix introduced a ton of revolutionary pedalsin the ’70sand early ’80s, and one of the most adventurous was the 16-SecondDelay.Able to record parts on the fly, and then replay them at the touch ofabutton, this early digital sampler opened the door to onstage looping,and itwould become a key element in the textural styles pioneered byRobert Quine andBill Frisell.

Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man
Debut: 1976
Famous for its warm, tape-like delays and detailedchorusing (owing tothe fact that only the feedback signal was chorused, thuspreserving theintegrity of the dry signal), this classic chorus/echo/vibratounitstands out as one of the major reasons so many guitar players stillfreakat the mere mention of the word “analog.”
Electro-Harmonix Big Muff
Debut: 1971
Though not quite the distortion-free sustainer the originalEH adscracked it up to be, the Big Muff’s soft-clipping andtreble-rolloffcircuitry yielded smooth, singing tones that were waymore tube-like than anyfuzzbox could deliver.

Electro-Harmonix Electric Mistress
Debut: 1977
The Electric Mistress is a pretty unique sounding animalthat’s less ofa flange/chorus box and more of a spacy detuning machine thatdoubles asa portal into the mind of Robert Fripp. Using the Filter Matrixswitchto disengage the automatic sweep lets you manually dial inmetallicchimes and other strange noises.
对于Robert Fripp来说,这款单块不象是合唱/flanger单块而更像是范围广阔的音调变换器。Filter开关让你发出金属般的共鸣声和其他奇奇怪怪的声音。
Electro-Harmonix LPB-1
Debut: 1968
The LPB-1 wasn’t a stompbox—it plugged right into the inputjack of aguitar—but this single-transistor power booster gaveguitaristsunprecedented powers of distortion. Able to drive even thecleanest amplifierinto clipping, this tiny titan not only putElectro-Harmonix on the map, italso paved the way for the advent ofhigh-gain amplifiers.
Electro-Harmonix Small Stone
Debut: 1976
This simple phase shifter needs only a rate knob and acolor switch todeliver rich, swooshy, psychedelic swirl. Costing about half asmuch asthe MXR Phase 90, the Small Stone was an immensely popular phaser andahuge hit for Electro-Harmonix.
这个phaser单块声音肥厚,移动而且迷幻。而且比MXR的Phase 90便宜一半。相当有名。

Foxx Tone Machine
Debut: 1972
One of the hippest octave–fuzzes ever made, the ToneMachine packed tonsof output and it tracked well to boot. Obtaining one ofthese flockedboxes will prove costly nowadays, so it’s worth noting thattheDanelectro French Toast mini pedal incorporates the vintage Foxxcircuit.

Fulltone Distortion Pro
Debut: 2001
This highly evolved pedal offers thick distortion, potentoutput, andthe ability to precisely tailor the dynamic response to suityouramplifier, playing style, and mood. And it does all this whilekeeping thesound of your guitar intact. Amazing! Definitely one of themost talented newoverdrivers on the market.

Fulltone Full-Drive 2
Debut: 1995
This dual-channel unit features the usual volume, tone, andoverdrivecontrols, but adds a footswitchable boost function with a separatelevelcontrol. A great-sounding overdrive in its own right, the Full-Drive 2isparticularly hip for its ability to deliver two distinct distortionflavors
Ibanez TS-808 Tube Screamer
Debut: 1980
Made famous by Eric Johnson, this definitive overdrive is aclose cousinof the popular TS-9. The TS-808 delivers warm, grainy distortion,plentyof output, and has a strong upper-midrange bump that colors yourguitarsound considerably.
由于Eric Johnson而出名。是另一个款有名的失真单块TS9的堂兄。声音温暖而有颗粒感,输出大,而且突出中高频。

Klon Centaur
Debut: 1994
Featuring a beautiful cast-metal enclosure and aretro-coolbronze/oxblood color scheme, the Centaur is a medium-gainpedal noted for itsopen-sounding distortion and beefy low-end.

Line 6 DL4 Delay Modeler
Debut: 1999
One of the first digital-modeling stompboxes, the DL4providessimulations of 15 classic analog delays and tape-echo units. Withitsuser-friendly interface, and smart features such as tap-tempo,stereo ins andouts, and a 14-second looping function, the DL4 isone-stop-shopping for delayfreaks.

Lovetone Meatball
Debut: 1995
Featuring four frequency ranges, multiple filter types(with depth andresonance controls), attack and decay knobs, a trigger section,and ahandy effects loop, the British-made Meatball can do thefunky-filterthing as readily as it dishes up animal snorts, birdwhistles, insect matingcalls, and endless iterations of lower-tractdistress.

Maestro Fuzz-Tone
Debut: 1963
As the first commercially available fuzzbox, thiswedge-shaped deviceadded signature buzz to hundreds of ’60s-era country, pop,and rockrecordings. Based on a transistor circuit cooked up by aNashvillestudio engineer, the Fuzz-Tone kicked off the beginning of thestompboxrevolution.

Morley Power Wah Boost
Debut: 1973
Morley broke with the wah pack by introducing a model thatused a photoresistor in place of the standard potentiometer. The PWB doubledas avolume pedal, and it also featured a footswitchable, variableboostfunction. With its wide, smooth sweep and quiet operation, the PWBwas arevolutionary design that opened the door for a slew of ever moreelaborateMorley pedals.

Musitronics Mu-Tron III
Debut: 1972
Developed for Musitronics by electronics designer MikeBiegle, theMu-Tron III envelope follower/voltage-controlled filterproducedautomatic wah effects that changed timbre in response to yourplaying dynamics.Made famous by Stevie Wonder—who plugged one into aclavinet for the hit“Higher Ground”—the Mu-Tron III was a key elementin ’70s funk, and it was alsofavored by Larry Coryell and Jerry Garcia.
自动哇音效果器,但是也对弹奏的动感很敏感。Steve Wonder用过。70年代的Funk音乐里少不了这个。LarryCoryell and Jerry Garcia也用这个。

MXR Distortion +
Debut: 1973
This early buzz box—a favorite of Randy Rhoads—used asimple op-ampcircuit that provided both insane gain and tube-soundingdistortiontextures (provided that you made sure to roll off the treble onyourguitar and amp). The + was also one of MXR’s most popular effects,selling inexcess of 20,000 units per year at its peak.
早期的失真单块。Randy Rhoads最喜欢的单块。简单的线路,旷野的失真,听起来象管箱的质感,必须要把吉他和音箱高音切掉一些。这个是MXR最受欢迎的单块,最多时候每年卖掉2万个。

MXR Dyna Comp
Debut: 1973
Putting the pop in country licks and helping slide partssound silkysmooth has long been a specialty of this king of stompboxcompressors.The Dyna Comp was quickly adopted by ace Nashville session playerssuchas Reggie Young and Jerry Reed—who used the script-logo versionsonhundreds of hit recordings—and it was also a key tool of slide masterLowellGeorge.
搞流行和乡村的喜欢用,比如Reggie Young and Jerry Reed在几百首上榜歌曲中使用了一个特别版。滑棒大师LowellGeorge也用。

MXR Flanger
Debut: 1980
The moment Eddie Van Halen kicked on this baby for“Unchained” in 1981,the MXR Flanger was guaranteed a place in the stompboxHall of Fame.Besides delivering deep, powerful swoosh, this AC-powered analogboxcould delve into chorusing, steel-drum simulations, and other shadesoflo-fi lusciousness.

MXR Phase 90
Debut: 1973
This orange box needs just a speed knob to yield complexswirl and cool,rotary-speaker simulations. Another essential ingredient in VanHalen’sclassic setup (he set it for a very slow sweep), the Phase 90 is theoneto get if you can only have one phaser.

Prescription Electronics Experience Pedal
Debut: 1993
This boutique octave-fuzz offers intense sustain, loads ofoutput, and aunique swell circuit that can simulate the effect of playingbackwards.The Experience’s soft, wooly octave sound is one of the attributesthatmakes this pedal a standout.

Pro Co Rat
Debut: 1978
The Rat’s distortion and wide-ranging filter controls yieldtones thatare straight from the Tube Screamer quadrant, but with considerablymoregain and bass. Plug into this thing and you’ll understand whyRatsinfested so many pedalboards in the ’70s and ’80s.
老鼠的失真有广泛的filter,和多种Tube Screamer系列的单块一样广阔的音谱,但是失真和低音更多。70和80年代无数单块盒里都有它。

Roger Mayer Octavia
Debut: 1966
If Roger Mayer wasn’t the first boutique stompbox builder,he certainlywas the most famous. His biggest hit was the Octavia, whichdelivers aringing second-octave effect. Mayer recalls that within a few daysofhearing the effect, Jimi Hendrix took the Octavia to the studio andpluggedit straight into a Marshall for his solos on “Purple Haze” and“Fire.”
又最有名的boutique单块制造者Roger Mayer制造。这个单块提供第二个八度音效果。听了这个单块之后几天,JimiHendrix就拿着这款去录音室直接插到一个Marshall音箱里录了“Purple Haze” and “Fire.”的独奏。

Roland AP-7 Jet Phaser
Debut: 1975
Best known for creating the swirling, nasally fuzz sound onthe IsleyBrothers hit, “Who’s that Lady,” the Jet Phaser combined amulti-settingphase shifter with a fuzz circuit that was probably lifted fromRoland’sBee Baa pedal. The rarely-seen AP-7 packs a bunch of controlsandspecializes in psychedelic colors that no combination of fuzz andphaser canquite duplicate.
这是一个fuzz 和phaser的2合1单块。Isley兄弟的名曲 “Who’s that Lady”中旋转的,充满鼻音的fuzz音色。而且phaser很迷幻。

Snarling Dogs Mold Spore Psycho-Scumatic Wah
Debut: 1999
It’s easy to believe that a pedal packing wah and ringmodulation wouldbe pretty extreme. But even those who think they’ve heardeverythingwill likely be blown away once they start messing with thisbaby’sFreakwincy, Psychoscumation, and Straightjacket controls—not tomention theFreak Sweep button, which allows for foot control of thering modulationcenter-point. Bottom line: If you want to show you’renuts, this is the pedalto do it with.

T.C. Electronic Stereo Chorus + Pitch Modulator& Flanger
Debut: 1982
Lots of players consider this Danish-made unit to be theultimate choruspedal—and it’s great for Leslie-style tones, too. Thanks toabeautifully designed analog circuit that delivers a 20Hz-20kHzbandwidth andimposes a noise-gate on the wet signal, the T.C. is one ofthe clearest andquietest chorus boxes ever made.

Tech 21 SansAmp
Debut: 1989
This brainy D.I. device uses analog circuitry to simulatethe sounds ofdifferent amplifiers in clean and distorted configurations.TheSansAmp’s eight character switches—which can be used individually orincombination to do such things as boost mids, alter the trebleresponse, andenhance the lows—are at the heart of this studio-orienteddevice’schameleon-like powers. Kurt Cobain used a SansAmp onstage.

Tube Works Tube Driver
Debut: 1979
The Tube Driver has at least three distinctions: It was thefirstdistortion pedal to use a real tube, it was designed by a keyboardplayer(Brent Butler), and it was made famous by Eric Johnson (who usedone straightinto a Marshall for his lead sound). Several versions ofthis box were made,and the four-knob models built by Butler forChandler are generally consideredthe best.
这款是第一个用真的电子管的单块,由键盘手Brent Butler发明,而Eric Johnson让它成名,Johnson直接插入Marshall箱子弹主音。有几种型号,为Chandler做的4个旋钮的型号被认为是最好的。

Tycobrahe Octavia
Debut: 1970
In the beginning, there were only two ways to get anOctavia: You couldbecome a rock star and get it directly from Roger Mayer, oryou couldpurchase a Tycobrahe clone. The tale of two Octavias began whenbassistNoel Redding brought one of Jimi Hendrix’s broken units to theTycobrahefolks to be repaired. The rest, as they say, is history.
在最初,获得一个Octavia单块的方式只有两个,一个是成为摇滚明星,这样RogerMayer就会给你做一个送来,另一个方法是买一个Tycobrahe的克隆版。这个单块的故事是贝司手Noel Redding买了JimiHendrix的一个坏了的Octavia送去给Tycobrahe公司的人维修。然后这帮人就开创了克隆的历史。

Univox Uni-Vibe
Debut: 1969
Another stompbox made famous by Hendrix is the Uni-Vibe—anearlyrotary-speaker simulator that used a pulsating light source andfourphoto resistors to modulate its four-stage phase-shifting circuit.It’sprimitive technology, but what would Band of Gypsys be without theUni-Vibe’sthick, smoky swirl? Or, for that matter, Robin Trower?

Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive
Debut: 2000
What makes this distortion/overdrive pedal special is itsability tosimulate the layering effect of two amplifiers. The Sparkle Drive’skeyfeature is its clean knob, which lets you add boosted clean signal tothedistortion sound to enhance clarity and detail.

Vox CryBaby
Debut: 1967
Hendrix was the first and most famous to jump on thisessentialeffect—which was invented by a Thomas Organ engineer namedBradPlunkett. The CryBaby’s distinctly vocal inflections areirresistible tohumans, who have used the device with impunity onpractically every style ofmusic ever since.

Vox Tone Bender
Debut: 1967
This classic British fuzz was Vox’s answer to the MaestroFuzz-Tone.Listen to Jeff Beck’s exotic-sounding guitar work on “OverUnderSideways Down,” and you’ll get a pretty good idea of why the ToneBender islegendary.
经典的英国Fuzz,是Vox对Maestro Fuzz-Tone的回应。听Jeff Beck充满异国情调的作品“OverUnder Sideways Down,”来理解为什么这个这么有名。

Way Huge Blue Hippo
Debut: 1998
Broad, rich chorusing and the ability to preserve thetonality of yourguitar make the Blue Hippo a heavyweight of the analog jungle.This isone chorus you can really lay into without feeling like you’vedunkedyour tone in a muddy Muzak watering hole

Way Huge Swollen Pickle
Debut: 1996
Though one of the most corpulent-sounding fuzzes, thisherkin’ gherkin can also deliver explosive treble bite.

Z.Vex Fuzz Factory
Debut: 1995
Featuring volume, gate, comp, drive, and stab controls, theFuzz Factoryproduces everything from classic, Beck/Clapton-style buzz toanimalsqueals, garbled spacecraft chatter, and dying-transistor sputters.Thisis one of the widest-ranging fuzzes of all time.
有volume, gate, comp, drive, and stab等控制,这个Fuzz单块能发出经典的Beck和Clapton的音色到模仿动物的叫声和其他怪声。有史以来声音种类最广阔的fuzz单块。

Z.Vex Seek Wah
Debut: 1996
Packing eight individually tunable, sequentially driven wahcircuits(which can be set to fire in four-, six-, or eight-voice patterns),theSeek Wah is well equipped to produce such trippy effects asmodulated-wahtremolo, oddball-sounding arpeggios, and myriad dialectsof robot speak.
发表于 2009-12-9 02:33:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-12-9 02:39:36 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2009-12-9 06:32:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-12-9 07:55:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-12-9 08:45:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-12-9 09:25:55 | 显示全部楼层

另外:“Vox CryBaby”是个啥?
发表于 2009-12-9 10:15:52 | 显示全部楼层
就是VOX Clyde McCoy Wah的美国叫法
发表于 2009-12-11 17:31:18 | 显示全部楼层
竟然没有TS-9? 这个很经典很多大师用的啊。。晕。。
发表于 2009-12-11 21:11:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-12-11 22:59:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-12-13 22:55:58 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-14 05:14:36 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 dragonass 于 2009-12-11 17:31 发表
竟然没有TS-9? 这个很经典很多大师用的啊。。晕。。


发表于 2009-12-14 08:13:09 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-14 09:03:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-12-14 09:20:48 | 显示全部楼层
woding woding
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-14 13:56:28 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 break 于 2009-12-9 07:55 发表

发表于 2009-12-15 14:34:30 | 显示全部楼层
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