在推出v2時,官網這樣介紹v2和v1不同的東西: (現在官網已刪除了這段文字) New Updates! I have talked to quite a few Crunch Box owners, and I've pooled together their comments to improve the already amazing design. I have improved the Crunch Box in the following way: Wider Tone control sweep with more top end - The new Crunch Box has more top end. The new Crunch Box with the tone set to 1 O'clock is about the same as the original with the tone control dimmed. Updated Volume Control Sweep - The Crunch Box has a lot of volume up its sleeve. In fact, many users found it difficult to dial in, because the volume control was so sensitive. So in order to help with this, I've changed the taper of the volume control. Now 12 O'clock is close to 'neutral' New internal Presence Control - Like the Tube Zone, I've included a presence control to help control the 'shape' of the pedal. By winding up the presence control, the lows won't feel as powerful (which some people found to be a bit too much). Also, this creates the effect of giving the pedal even more top end. So with the new Crunch Box, there is no chance that the pedal will be too dark.
簡單來說主要是多了internal presence control,當時亦推出了由v1升級到v2的服務(要錢) 事實上v1全世界只有500個,可以說只是一個初代的測試版 v2就是收集了用家意見後推出的改良版 實際上v2已是成熟完整的產品 v3的改動,相信只是成本上的控制而矣 |