TC Electronic PolytuneThe TC Electronic Polytune is the new kid on the block in pedal tunertechnology. Featuring a patented polychromatic tuning circuit, the TCElectronic Polytune eliminates the need to go string to string whiletuning. Just turn it on and strum all of your open strings and the TCElectronic Polytune shows you which strings are sharp or flat andallows you to tune within +/- .5% accuracy. This eliminates a goodchunk of time when tuning between songs and lets people visually seethe affect of say a floating bridge when tuning string to string. Notonly does this help get a grasp on tuning your instrument effectively,it lets you know right away what string is out of tune. The TCElectronic Polytune features a standard chromatic tuner as well that issuper fast and reliable thanks to the unique tuning magnet feature. This allows the TC Electronic Polytune to adjust the speed of thetuning needle dependant on how close or far away you are from pitch. TC Electronic Polytune The TC Electronic Polytune isfast! In either mode, the tuner gives you a super fast, accuratereading of your pitch. Poly mode is sweet when on a time crunch andthe chromatic mode is fast and accurate. The TC Electronic Polytunewill also allow drop tunings from E flat all the way to B and it willsave your settings. The chromatic mode features two different displaymodes, a needle display or a stream mode depending on your preference. The TC Electronic Polytune is true bypass and small, made to stay outof the way of your pedals and your tone.
TC Electronic Polytune Features: