Stephen Bennett 应该是竖琴吉他最具代表的人物了,他的音乐风格非常的多元化,发一些他的视频(有01年最新的演出)和大家分享。
The Water is Wide - Stephen Bennett 、ANDY等 几十把竖琴吉他(这个应该是大家看得最多的了)
Windy And Warm(这首曲子大家应该非常熟悉了吧,他用的是MORRIS)
Westphalia Waltz
The Wind Cries Mary
Long forgotten chambers of the heart
Cielito Lindo
What a Wonderful World
Sea Rose Beach
The Eye of God
Col de Lauteret & Adirondack Lullaby
Yes, We Can
I knew it was you
Last steam engine train (看看老头弹的蒸汽机车有啥不一样)
Stephen Bennett,Itamar Erez play African Dream- IGN 2010-01-26
Stephen Bennett, Lulo Reinhardt - IGN 2010-01-26
Stephen Bennett, Brian Gore, Itamar Erez, Lulo Reinhardt La Juderia - IGN 2010-01-26
Stephen Bennett, Brian Gore, Itamar Erez,Lulo Reinhardt - IGN 2010-01-26
Stephen Bennett - IGN 2010-01-26
Stephen Bennet on slide - IGN 2010-01-26
Lulo Reinhardts Mar y Sol from International Guitar Night 2010-01-26 |