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发表于 2004-7-3 18:46:00 | 显示全部楼层


很喜欢金属,METALLICA  林肯公园 的东西,听着曲子里的BASS 声音`~`似乎做得低音很泛滥,但是坚实有力,现在用的是百灵达的BASS 效果器,SQ琴,恐龙箱,
也许有必要知道 METALLICA 那贝司手用的是啥东西,让我做起来有一个参考,好心的哥们就给讲讲吧``最好详细点哦~
大家帮帮忙咯~这问题困饶得俺得心,~~`总之很无奈。最好那为摇友同志也是用百灵达效果器得直接跟我讲调整参数就好咯~`让我有个参考``况且演出 METALLICA 的歌时能够达到以价乱真得音色哈哈`~~~`
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-3 20:28:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-7-3 20:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-7-3 20:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-7-3 21:30:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-7-3 21:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
有一部电影叫<<ROCK STAR>>讲的是摇滚乐队的故事。里边的BASS手用PICK弹BASS.声音特别金属,不知道怎么调的.真的很有魅力的声音。虽然我不用PICK.但我也很喜欢!
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-3 21:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用8889在2004-07-03 21:30:07的发言:
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-3 21:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用REVENGE在2004-07-03 21:41:57的发言:

有一部电影叫<<ROCK STAR>>
呵找来听,找来看看 ~~`
发表于 2004-7-3 21:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
肯定有的效果是压缩和均衡,也许有失真,有的慢歌里会有合唱或者混响吧一般认为的heavy metal的均衡设置厂家定义为增加低频和高频,cut中频,也就是v字形的均衡设置。当然这个是一般情况,具体的还要自己慢慢琢磨,效果器是一门学问,要自己钻研的。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-3 21:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
其实很多老兄也说过关于BASS 的很多调法,但我主要想明白关于效果器的调法,用合唱吗?还是EQ做的很好?
发表于 2004-7-3 22:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-7-3 22:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
合唱加一点当立体声突出颗粒感,千万不要加多了EQ 一般是 V型的,这样出来音头重,声音刚,但是有的琴声音薄,做成W型的看看还有就是琴的问题,有的琴本身有的音色特点普通设备模仿不来的
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-4 11:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用bluesnblood在2004-07-03 22:39:48的发言:

EQ 一般是 V型的,这样出来音头重,声音刚,但是有的琴声音薄,做成W型的看看
是啊`~`此言是极,琴的东西应该占很大的空间,哈的确啊,我用的是SQ 的琴``哈哈~可是的确没多少钱,我没女朋友,抽烟也不要求高,不喝酒,有时只喝五毛钱一杯的冰凉菊花茶。可是家里真没多少钱啊!但是这并不影响我对音乐的追求,条件差就差咯,如果能用效果器来填补这一缺陷,应该是说最好能用效果器来填补,呵我是说尽量能用来填补的话,我就会很满意咯!!!
发表于 2004-7-4 11:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
用你的VAMP 好好做音色,应该不错的,另外就是把琴颈调的向后撇一些。。。我们都想追求好的音色但是没钱,所以好好琢磨手里的设备是很好的,也不能盲目的怪自己手里的设备不行
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-4 18:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
向后撇一些?是不是就像些国外乐手一样稍稍用力就打品的那种?现在我的琴已经是这样咯!难道金属乐手都这样调琴?另外,效果器的作用我也知道,并不那么神奇,只是想用它来稍微掩盖不好的琴带来的缺陷,我想知道一些琴友是怎么调的,用什么东西。有那位兄弟能找到METALLICA乐队BASS 手 纽斯特德 使用的器材咩?在论坛给贴贴,让大家参考参考,学习学习哈哈`~~~~`
发表于 2004-7-4 18:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
哈哈,要想有BANG BANG的声音,都得这样调呀。。。METALLICA 的 JASON的器材我以前手头有个列表,现在没了。。。你问问DP有没
大宝 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-7-4 18:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2004-7-4 18:28:00 | 显示全部楼层
大宝 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-7-4 18:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2004-7-4 18:46:00 | 显示全部楼层

JASON 的部分设备
发表于 2004-7-4 18:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
Rack 1:Furman Power conditioner ???? Ampeg.....(custom unit?)  _Empty space_ Crown Power amp  Ampeg SVT II Ampeg SVT II Ampeg SVT IIRack 2:Furman Power conditioner Samson UR-5D wireless system Pull out drawer (2 rack spaces) ????? Mesa Boogie..... Mackie 1402 VLZ pro mixer (used to route his 4 SVT's) DBX-166A  compressor/limiter/expander/gate Ampeg SVT II
发表于 2004-7-4 18:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
MXR Phase 100 (orange pedal) Boss BF-2 Flanger (dark purple pedal) Boss CE-B3 Bass Chorus (blue pedal) Tech 21 XXL Distortion (silver pedal) Tech 21 SansAmp Bassdriver D.I.  (black pedal)Morly power wah boost (Silver pedal -- also seen below)  SansAmp - by Tech 21 (pre-amp/overdrive pedal) (an older SansAmp version - now available as the "SansAmp Classic")他的部分落地式效果器刚才的两个机柜里全是机架式效果器他还用 MESA/BOOGIE 的音箱头
发表于 2004-7-4 18:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
just like this!
发表于 2004-7-4 19:00:00 | 显示全部楼层

他主要还是用的 AMPEG 的音箱
在家练习用的是 AMPEG B15 COMBO 和一个 SWR 的 COMBO
发表于 2004-7-4 19:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
Alembic Spoiler #1Used on the Jusice tours. You can see the wood's color best in this first pic on the right.Zebrawood top Spoiler body shape 4 strings 24 frets 32" scale length Alembic JZ pickups (2x) Ebony fingerboard Cone peghead Pearl oval inlays Neck-through design
发表于 2004-7-4 19:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
Alembic Spoiler #2Used on the Black Album toursSolid Maple body Black body Alembic spoiler body shape (might be modified slightly by Jason: see above quote) Side LED's in red 4 strings 24 frets Black tahitian Mother of Pearl oval inlays Long scale (34 inches) Ebony fingerboard Alembic cone headstock (tuners: 2+2) Transparent gloss color finish Gold plated hardware Converted to "Series II" electronicsNote: I'm pretty sure this is the same bass, It's so hard to tell  : )
发表于 2004-7-4 19:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
Alembic Spoiler #3Used on the Black Album toursThis bass is basically the same as the above spoiler except for a few small differences: 1. The tailpiece is much closer to the end of the body and 2. the body contour is a bit different: the back of this body is much flatter than the above bass which is more rounded (this goes back to what Jason was saying about modifying the body contour for comfort with his picking style).Solid Maple body Alembic spoiler body style (modified by Jason a bit) Black body Side LED's in red 4 strings 24 frets Black tahitian Mother of Pearl oval inlays Long scale (34 inches) Ebony fingerboard Alembic cone headstock (tuners: 2+2) Transparent gloss color finish Gold plated hardware Converted to "Series II" electronics This picture shows the bass with one of those Graffix/Jester stickers (seen better on the next bass' description) which was either added on at a later time or this is a different bass, I don't know for sure. Jason has a lot of alembics. At least 10 as stated in the quotes at the beginning of this section and this could very well be another bass.
发表于 2004-7-4 19:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
Alembic Europa #1This 6 string bass was used by Jason on the Black album tours to play "Sad but True".6 strings Maple body Europa body shape Black tahitian mother of pearl inlays Alembic bar tailpiece Upgraded to "Series II" electronics Cone peghead (tuners: 3 + 3) Maple neck with 5 deluxe purpleheart laminates Graffix--Jester sticker. (this sticker, seen better below, appears on many of Jason's Alembics)
发表于 2004-7-4 19:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
Alembic Europa #2I know this isn't the best picture of this bass but I wanted to share it anyway because it's a cool pic (Thirsty Jason?). Better pic below.Solid maple body 5 strings Black tahitian mother of pearl oval inlays Long scale (34 inches) Maple neck with 3 Deluxe purpleheart neck laminates Alembic europa peghead (tuners: 4+1) Gold plated logo and hardware Ebony fingerboard Transparent gloss color finish 24 frets Converted to Series II electronics Side led's in red Graffix / Jester sticker
Alembic Europa #3This bass seems to be basically the same as the above Alembic but notice that the Alembic logo on this one is centered over the nut whereas the logo on the above bass is in the middle of the headstock. Also, the end of the headstock look to be a little more angled / curved on this one. The body contour might also be a bit different but I don't know for sure.Solid maple body 5 strings Black tahitian mother of pearl oval inlays Long scale (34 inches) Maple neck with 3 Deluxe purpleheart neck laminates Alembic europa peghead (tuners: 4+1) Gold plated logo and hardware Ebony fingerboard Transparent gloss color finish 24 frets Converted to Series II electronics Side led's in red Graffix / Jester sticker Alembic ElanUsed on the Justice tours5 strings Oval inlays Maple body with a flame maple top, painted black Ebony fingerboard Maple neck with 3 deluxe purpleheart laminates 24 frets Alembic elan peghead (tuners: 4+1) Electronics converted to Series II 2 Alembic P pickups (middle) and 2 Alembic JZ pickups (bridge and neck) Gold Hardware Brass truss rod cover Solid 14 K gold Alembic logo  I have been informed that the sticker under the controlls on this bass does not say UNCUT as I had previously thought but "UKCUF" which is ______ spelled backwards (you can figure it out :)
发表于 2004-7-4 19:10:00 | 显示全部楼层
K Musical Instruments Bass"A copy of a Gibson by K Musical Instrument Company. The factory was right next to our family home."  -JasonThis was Jason's first bass ever and his first band "Diamond". Jason bought it for $60 in 1975 or 1976
Alembic Exploiter bassExplorer style, Mahogany body Quilted maple top Neck through Rosewood or ebony fingerboard 24 frets Spoiler electronics (4 position rotary pickup selector,Volume, Tone, and "Q" filter switch)B.C. Rich Eagle Deluxe BassJason used this bass a long time ago when he was with Flotsam and Jetsam. Seen below is the back of this bass which appears to be fairly well taped up for some reason.Neck through design Natural finish Koa wood Maple stringers 4 strings Dimarzio P-pickups (2x) Coil tap Phase Switch Booster Pre amp The electronics package is the "Partial Active Package" Came from the B.C. Rich LA shop          An early Dean Edge bassA young Jason. Back when he was with 'Dogz' before they changed their name to 'Flotsam and Jetsam'Basswood body Maple neck Rosewood fingerboard Green body 4 strings Gold hardware 21 frets Dean pickups (2x) Made in KoreaFender #1 (P-bass)Jason owns many fenders but I know next to nothing about how to date them (other than the 58) from these pics alone so... This pic was apparently taken in 1983 so the fender must be dated before then. Nice fro' Jason : )Natural(ish) finish body Maple neck 21 frets 4 strings Silver hardwareFender #3Again, I'm not sure if this is a fender but the body definately looks like one. This pic is from Jason's Flotsam and Jetsam daysBurst finish body Black pickguard P-Bass Maple neck 20 frets? Explorer #1Someone must know what this one is. I know i've seen that body design on some other guitars before and it has a unique headstock shape but I really don't know what this one is. Pre-1982 anyways.Explorer body shape with design Maple neck 20 frets 4 strings? Explorer #2I don't have a real good picture of this bass but it was when Jason was with Dogz/Flotsam        Black body     Explorer body shape     White p-bass style pickups     4 strings     Silver hardware
发表于 2004-7-4 19:13:00 | 显示全部楼层
Red ESP Bass Jason was never an ESP endorser like James Hetfield or Kirk Hammett though he did play a few ESP basses on some of the earlier Metallica tours that he was on. Jason has never been into the Artist endorsment thing.Alder body Maple neck Rosewood fingerboard Neck through (possibly set neck) 5 strings 24 frets Gold hardware (I think) Large dot inlays Metallica stickers           
Black ESP BassAlder body Maple neck Rosewood fingerboard Dot fret markers Bolt on neck (I think) PJ style pickups 5 strings 24 frets White neck bindingBlack ESP Bass #2This bass is basically the same as the above ESP bass but with a different bridge and different fret markers.Alder body Maple neck Rosewood fingerboard Pearl bars on the top of the fingerboard as position markers Bolt on neck 5 strings 24 frets PJ style pickups Black Hardware 4 controlls  Gibson style "stop" tailpieceHamer 8 string bassThis hamer 8 string bass has been converted to a 4 string bass so each of the four octave strings have been removed. This was used in the Garage days revisited era.4 strings (converted from 8 originally) 2 pickups Silver hardware Not sure about body/neck wood (probably alder body / maple neck)Unknown Bass I really know nothing about this bass. No markings on the headstock, plain black body. It can be seen on the Garage days revisited cover and a rare live photo seen below. Used on  the Master of Puppets tours. It looks like a parts bass made from possibly warmoth.com or allparts.com
发表于 2004-7-4 19:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
Black WAL Bass #1These next few WAL basses were used on the Justice toursWal humbucking pickups (2x) 21 frets 4 strings Silver hardware (might be gold) 4 controlls (1 overall volume knob,  1 pickup pan/mixing knob, 2 tone knobs)
Black WAL Bass #2This bass seems to be the same as the above WAL bass except that it has a natural finish headstock.Wal humbucking pickups (2x) Natural finish headstock Bolt on Neck 21 frets 4 strings Gold hardware 4 controlls (1 overall volume knob, 1 pickup pan/mixing knob, 2 tone knobs) Black WAL Bass #3A 5-string, 24-fret version of the above WAL bass.Wal humbucking pickups (2x) Natural finish headstock 24 frets 5 strings Gold hardware 4 controlls (1 overall volume knob,  1 pickup pan/mixing knob, 2 tone knobs) Musicman Stingray BassJason was playing Nothing else matters in the studio with this bass but I'm pretty sure it didn't end up on the recorded song.4 Strings (headstock= 3+1) Maple neck Rosewood Fingerboard Lined Fretless 21 fret lines I think it's blackBlack Spector 5 StringThis bass was used on the "Black Album" toursSolid AAAA figured maple body with an oil finish black stain. Neck through the body design Spector crown abalone inlays 5 strings 24 frets Side LEDs in red Black HardwareHamer 12 string bassYou've probably seen or heard of these before. If you don't know about these: The hamer 12 string bass is like a four string bass but each of the four strings has two extra smaller strings very close together next to it, each tuned an octave above the root string. So, when you hit one note you actually get three: The root note and 2 notes one octave up from the root note creating some cool chording. Jason uses this bass for "minor-key pick-bass songs". The unmistakable headstock of Jason's specific bass can be seen below.Jason used this bass on a couple of songs from the black album to help thicken the sound. He talks about it a bit in the DVD "Classic Albums: Metallica"If you're interested in more crazy 12 string basses and even some 18 stringers, check out this site: http://www.12stringbass.com/Mahogany body Schaller tuners (12x) 4 controlls (1 Volume, 1 Tone, 1 Pan Pot Active bass & Treble) Hamer 12 string bridge Set neck 24 3/4" scale 12 strings (4 sets of 3 strings) 21 frets Neck pickup: EMG DC-35 pickup Bridge pickup: EMG DC-35 BTS Elec.
发表于 2004-7-4 19:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-7-4 19:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
Sadowskys  New 24-fret 5-String with Jazz pickupsAll Black 5-string Vintage Jazz24-fret 5-string  EMG Pickups #124-fret 5-string  EMG Pickups #2All Black 4-string Vintage Jazz   
发表于 2004-7-4 19:27:00 | 显示全部楼层

'81 Spector NS 4 String
This bass used to belong to Phil Soussan and as such, has been on a few Ozzy albums. This was Jason's main recording bass for the album "Load".
"They [the spectors] have good growl and really good thunder. It's probably the best-sounding bass I've played for my style. But the P-Bass is the most workable-sounding bass." -Jason

Maple body
Rosewood fingerboard
3 ply maple neck
4 strings
24 frets
Spector Crown Abalony inlays
Spector USA active electronics
Gold hardware

I love that ring Jason. What is it?

'58 Fender P-Bass     "It's the Holy Grail, man" -Jason
This is Jason's favorite bass and his main recording bass along with the spectors (before he got the sadowskys anyway).
"They [the spectors] have good growl and really good thunder. It's probably the best-sounding bass I've played for my style. But the P-Bass is the most workable-sounding bass." -Jason

3-tone sunburst finish
One piece maple neck/fingerboard
Gold (anodized aluminum) pickguard
Split-coil pickup
Silver hardware
20 frets
2 controls

Guild Acoustic Bass
Used for the acoustic sets of the reload tours. I'm not sure which model this is but it could be a B4CE.

Natural finish
Cutaway body style
4 strings
20 frets
Tortoise pickguard

Other Basses
White Rickenbacker Bass

White, maple body
Maple neck
Neck through body
Rosewood fingerboard
20 frets
Triangle fret position markers
Black pickguard
Black binding around body
Silver hardware

Musicman Stingray Bass

Sunburst body
Maple neck
Rosewood fingerboard
4 strings
Bolt on neck
1 Musicman humbucking pickup
White pickguard
21 frets

'63 Gibson EB-3
This is the first bass that Jason bought for his collection. He bought it in a pawnshop in Michigan for $100.

Red body
Black pickguard
2 knobs
4 strings
Rosewood fingerboard

Gibson EB-6 6-string
The six string version of the EB-2. Tuned an octave below standard guitar tuning with the string spacing of a guitar. More of a baritone guitar than a bass. Made from 1960 to 1966 when it was discontinued. Very Rare. I have no picture of Jason with this bass but here is another one so you can see what it would look like.

Mahogany body
30 in. scale - set Mahogany neck
Rosewood fingerboard
Heritage Burst finish
2 Gibson humbuckers, passive
4 controlls (2 volume and 2 tone)

'68 Fender Telecaster Paisley Bass
Jason bought this bass in Australia from AC/DC's original bass player, Mark Evans. It's the pink bass to the left of this picture (Only picture I have of it). The picture below is another one so you can see what it really looks like. Original fender paisley guitars and basses are very collectible.

Maple neck / fingerboard
20 frets
Silver hardware
Pink paisley, floral finish
4 strings
2 controls (1 volume and 1 tone)

Fender #2
Another fender (at least I think it is) with echobrain.

P-Bass (I think)
Natural body finish
Rosewood fingerboard
Tortoise pickguard
4 strings
21 frets

Vintage Fender Tele Bass
This is an old Fender Telecaster Bass made sometime between 1968 and the early-mid 70s

White pickguard
Pickup cover
Maple neck
21 frets
Silver hardware

Fender maybe?
This bass looks like a fender to me but it might be something else too.

P-bass body style
Tortoise pickgaurd
P-bass pickups
Sunburst finish
Morado fingerboard
4 strings
20 frets

Acoustic Upright Bass
Jason used this bass while jamming with Echobrain in his Chophouse Studio

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发表于 2004-7-4 19:28:00 | 显示全部楼层
上面的图,按鼠标左键拉住,可以看到字。。。还有好多的 SADOWSKY 没贴。。。先这么多吧。。。
发表于 2004-7-4 19:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-7-4 19:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-7-4 19:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
ALEMBIC 的高档琴上一般都是两路输出,一路普通信号输出,一路MIDI输出。。。那些逼钮就是控制MIDI输出的。。。
发表于 2004-7-4 19:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
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