发表于 2012-5-29 16:36:41
66楼说了那么多我才认真看了一下 一般太多字比价懒得看 哈哈
确实是这样 我20年前买的仿F 琴行1300 都是仿62的设计 琴颈都是后十字调节
单向钢筋是Gibson在1921开始使用的 Gibson applied for the first truss rod patent in 1921. Until then, guitars had bigger, thick necks to handle the tension of the strings. Basically, the mechanism is simply a steel rod with an anchor at one end and an adjustment nut at the other. It is buried (usually in a curve) in the center of the guitar’s neck. Tightening the adjustment nut pulls the rod straight, thus straightening the neck. Loosening it allows the neck to pull up with the influence of the string tension, allowing the neck bow. To this day, most truss rods remain relatively unchanged. There are several versions of a two-way rod, rods that can move a neck both toward and away from string pull, but most are still the "old style", and that’s what will be covered here. |