上面14楼的无钉古典吉他背带极其简单同时也是最简单的一种,其实通俗地说就是一个背在身上的圆圈,但为了方便可做成可调节大小以便方便使用,不要小看这种如果你要求不高的话,现在美国的那位大神(Mason Williams )梅森·威廉斯就特别钟爱使用这种最简洁的(古典吉他有钉也不用),他是职业音乐家,作曲家,歌曲作者,作家,诗人,摄影师,古典,蓝草乡村,易听,民间多流派都涉及,活跃年数1958年至今仍然活跃,现有79岁了,当然以前年轻点时他是脚登古典吉他标准持琴姿势的。上个视频:
This strap is useful for a classical/folk or Spanish-style guitar which doesn’t have a knob on the end of the body to attach a "normal" guitar strap.
These guitars are usually played sitting down, but sometimes you may want to stand up or walk around while you play.
This design of strap can just be hooked on when needed, without damaging the guitar in any way. I made one years ago, and it's still working really well.
Your strap should fit around your neck and hook into your guitar so that it's supported in a comfortable position to play.
Make sure you don't put extra pressure on the strap- it's just to help support the guitar while you play, but it isn't designed for heavy use.