To achieve the desired look, Martin had to restore a lacquer formula used many years ago. On a 30s era Martin, the lacquer appears very thin compared to today’s guitars.
Lacquers used in the 30s were not as hearty as today’s finishes and over time they would gradually wear down, shedding some of their mass over decades of use.
To achieve the desired look, Martin had to restore a lacquer formula used many years ago. On a 30s era Martin, the lacquer appears very thin compared to today’s guitars.
Lacquers used in the 30s were not as hearty as today’s finishes and over time they would gradually wear down, shedding some of their mass over decades of use.
这段话有两个重点,第一个是 “Martin had to restore a lacquer formula used many years ago”,这里首先就是漆面的配方。第二个重点是“ Lacquers used in the 30s were not as hearty as today’s finishes and over time they would gradually wear down, shedding some of their mass over decades of use”,这段话的意思是在很多年的使用中,漆面磨损,漆面的质量(理解为厚度和重量)都会降低。
再补充一下,和m68o节下这段缘分起源于这个帖子,大家可以从63楼看起,可能中间m68o已经编辑掉了一些他对自己不利的发言了,大家看看吧,帖子地址: https://bbs.guitarschina.com/thread-2489121-2-1.html
之后就防潮柜的帖子,这次我对他不放手的原因有两个,最重要的原因是m68o自己圆不了说错的东西,开始骂人,第二个原因是他可以为吵架一定要吵赢,忽悠琴友,乱说知识,前面湿度变化大长期冰火伤琴,后面又说湿度变化大冰火他几年都遇不了一次,大家可以从19楼开始看起,同样m68o可能编辑掉了一些对他不利的言论,帖子地址: https://bbs.guitarschina.com/thread-2495194-1-1.html
To achieve the desired look, Martin had to restore a lacquer formula used many years ago. On a 30s era Martin, the lacquer appears very thin compared to today’s guitars.
马丁官方说的是为了得到想要的外形使用了多年前的配方,多少年前,没说,是否比普通AU更薄,没说,是否比30年代用的漆还往前,比如20年代 10年代,19世纪,没说,只是说了30年代用的漆比现代吉他用的漆薄,仅此而已。
Lacquers used in the 30s were not as hearty as today’s finishes and over time they would gradually wear down, shedding some of their mass over decades of use.
而30年代使用的漆不像现在那么厚,而且随着使用磨平更薄了,还会脱落大量东西(什么东西,没解释清楚,不过都知道吉他弹久了木头会干得更充分,从而导致重量变轻。),但还是没有说关于 aged系列是否使用了更薄的漆,或者说是使用了30年代的配方。
In 2015, all Authentic models except for 42 Style and 45 Style (which will be Full Gloss), will be finished by hand with Martin's rediscovered and historically accurate Vintage Gloss finish. This is consistent with processes used at Martin during the 1930s.
如果你不明白aged这个词我来告诉你,做旧,既然做旧就要把新琴弄得坑坑洼洼像老琴一般,但是坑坑洼洼的外观,漆面使用了几十年变薄了琴体变轻了,有漆面磨损越多是否就代表声音更好,答案是否定的,因为不少老琴都弹不出好声,他们年代够久远,有些是战前有些是战中战后,漆面已经非常薄了,但为什么不出好声,就是因为保养不当,状态不佳,老琴维修是很正常的,没几把老琴不需要维修,但是维修也有分A B C级,A级修琴师可以帮你把老琴起死回生,C级修琴师会让琴的状态雪上加霜。
Lacquers used in the 30s were not as hearty as today’s finishes and over time they would gradually wear down, shedding some of their mass over decades of use.
Lacquers used in the 30s were not as hearty as today’s finishes and over time they would gradually wear down, shedding some of their mass over decades of use.
这段话有两个重点,第一个是 “Martin had to restore a lacquer formula used many years ago”,这里首先就是漆面的配方。第二个重点是“ Lacquers used in the 30s were not as hearty as today’s finishes and over time they would gradually wear down, shedding some of their mass over decades of use”,这段话的意思是在很多年的使用中,漆面磨损,漆面的质量(理解为厚度和重量)都会降低。
In 2015, all Authentic models except for 42 Style and 45 Style (which will be Full Gloss), will be finished by hand with Martin's rediscovered and historically accurate Vintage Gloss finish. This is consistent with processes used at Martin during the 1930s.
所以也印证了我说的,你的琴就是用了更薄的漆,官方有证据表示过吗?暂时没有,目前靠的是你自己意淫,凭借这段话去YY,Lacquers used in the 30s were not as hearty as today’s finishes and over time they would gradually wear down, shedding some of their mass over decades of use.为的是什么,还是卖琴,你为了卖琴所以不中立,下面又是一个例子。
另外,关于是1937年油漆配方的消息来源是本地的Martin大代理,他去Martin的CS部门每年都要订做各种琴,这是他和Martin CS的人专门聊过的,马丁D28 AU 1937普通版的油漆是5 Mils厚度(1 Mil = 千分之一英寸=0.0254毫米),
而做旧版的油漆由于使用了37年配方,直接做到了3 Mils厚度
Lacquers used in the 30s were not as hearty as today’s finishes and over time they would gradually wear down, shedding some of their mass over decades of use.
Lacquers used in the 30s were not as hearty as today’s finishes and over time they would gradually wear down, shedding some of their mass over decades of use.
Lacquers used in the 30s were not as hearty as today’s finishes and over time they would gradually wear down, shedding some of their mass over decades of use.
Lacquers used in the 30s were not as hearty as today’s finishes and over time they would gradually wear down, shedding some of their mass over decades of use.
我还有几个疑问想请教下,我在UMGF 1937 aged club里面看到的,比如在视频了马丁声称只产了50把D28 1937 AA,但他没有内标比如1 of 50,外网在售全新的至少有30把(欧美,日本)然后我见过的二手不同序列号的也至少有20把,国内我朋友那有一把,然后咸鱼我看过2把。比如你说的你和你的学生又买了几把。这里已经超过50把了。
I watched Martin's video and I cannot help but wonder why they will not use the 3mm (new formula) finish on the non aged guitars if they truly sound superior to the others. Maybe in time they will.
"I wonder if they will continue doing this aging process with other models, or if they will offer "aging" as a custom option in the future."
I was told the custom shop aged offering was going to be announced at NAMM. I guess it wasn't, so I'd imagine it is coming soon. (it was a reliable source)
Lacquers used in the 30s were not as hearty as today’s finishes and over time they would gradually wear down, shedding some of their mass over decades of use.
很快,这一D28 AA版在美国销售了最初的一批,我基本是最早一批用户了,包括UMGF上的俱乐部贴,也是我们最早几个用户在D28 AU 37俱乐部贴里讨论,
普遍的评论就是音色确实有独到之处,而这里面很多用户是手持D28 AU VTS或者Non-VTS版本的,以及各种老琴的,然后这些用户也有不少人开始陆续购入,