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[电吉他硬件] 介绍一下FENDER Lace sensor拾音器的特点

发表于 2007-3-19 17:59:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
由于买了一把已经停产的 97年产的FENDER STRAT PLUS DELUXE, 110 9500,研究了一下它上面的拾音器。发现这种拾音器很有特点,介绍一下关于它的知识给大家:
lace sensor 拾音器最大的特点是, 他没有采用传统的线轴方法绕制,而是采用了带状绕制,这样的话,他就比传统的拾音器具有更宽的音域和更好的各弦平衡性.他独特的制作方法使他的抑噪性能更强. 音色相比之下也更加清脆.Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck ,Buddy Guy 的签名琴也都用上了这种拾音器. LACE拾音器是FENDER公司实现超低噪音的产品系列,其中“GOLD”是突出华丽高频的型号(大家知道ERIC CLAPTON的FENDER琴就是用这个拾音器的);“SILVER”的特点是平和中频;“BLUE”再现了50年代双排拾音器的特色;“RED”则具有大功率双排拾音器的特点。 老杜的7500 好像是3个 gold  拾音器,很vitage,我的9500 是琴桥red红字的,蓝色的在琴颈,银色的在中间,银色的属于fender单拾音器的传统音色,琴颈的蓝色,有老gibson的味道,琴桥的红色输出很大,可以弹失真大的节奏,蓝色玩失真solo也不错。感觉9500 还是很全面的一把琴~~比较适合玩纯吉他音乐,吉他曲或者fusion。我的琴是金色的沙子颜色,9成新,摇把是小双摇,安装琴弦是插入卡上的,原装的floyd rose的。卷弦器是带轮状的,感觉很好看。红色拾音器 干琴声音不是很传统的fender音色,琴颈和中间的,蓝银色拾音器 ,干琴玩布鲁斯,爵士很好。7500 除了拾音器还有摇把和9500 略有不同,但是珍珠护板都很漂亮,琴枕LSR ROLL都是小钢珠那种,很现代的感觉。
总体来看这是一把相对7400 较全面的一把琴。它的音色旋钮 调到5有个提升作用~~
叫TBX,中间和琴桥的拾音器可以TBX。5档 开关可以组合很多种音色,爵士 ,funk,老摇滚,甚至硬摇滚都可以用它演奏。

Low noise, high output, and incredible response and sustain. The Fender guitar pickup is available with black or white covers. Color designations: Gold (crisp top end and glassy bell-like tones), Silver (higher output more midrangey Fat Strat tone), Blue (warmer 1950s humbucker sound), Red (extreme output, hot humbucker sound).
国外报价:金色的 55美金,银色 蓝色 60美金,红色 70美金。

[ 本帖最后由 蓝调吉他手 于 2007-3-20 21:45 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-3-19 18:10:16 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-19 18:11:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-19 18:17:13 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-19 18:25:57 | 显示全部楼层
和双摇的folyd rose的一样~~~用头 插进去的~~~
卡住的那种。你的7500也不错,三个金色的lace很适合弹布鲁斯,金色功率是最小的,红色的功率最大, 其次是蓝色-银色。蓝色的模仿50年代的双拾音器,弹santana的很像,呵呵,红色的可以弹bon jovi ,银色的玩funk 或者白人布鲁斯,都可以。你的 7500带TBX吗?

[ 本帖最后由 蓝调吉他手 于 2007-3-19 18:27 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-19 18:51:56 | 显示全部楼层
7602现在正在发售的和原来的不同。现在用的是Noiseless的拾音器,TONE表现上没有Lace-sensor gold那么有力了。不过还可以体现出那种Ringing tone,只是味道差了少许。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-19 19:21:08 | 显示全部楼层
美产 010  8602  james  burton telecaster 的拾音器和 9500 一样的 .3个fender-lace sensor 拾音器.分别是blue.silver.red. 看来这琴也是可以弹布鲁斯的  哈哈~

[ 本帖最后由 蓝调吉他手 于 2007-3-19 19:27 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-19 19:35:48 | 显示全部楼层
1951年Fender自己生產了單線圈(Single-Coil)拾音器大暢銷, 單線圈拾音器音色表現尖亮金屬味十足, 但會產生點雜音(AC Hum), 1957年在Gibson的工程師Seth Lover研發了大量生產的雙線圈(Double-Coil), 例用兩個纏繞反向的線圈並排來抵消AC Hum, 所以也稱為Humbucker拾音器, 但雙線圈的音色表現跟單線圈大不同, 它音色比較厚, 溫暖, 出力大, 但高尖亮的音少了很多。

現在的單線圈很多也是有特殊設計去掉AC Hum的, 例如上下線圈的Stack型, Fender的Noiseless Pickup一樣是Stack型但下面線圈不出音(因為Stack型跟傳統單線圈音色不像), 還有像Lace Sensor那類新設計
拾音器的一個原理是: 線圈纏繞越多圈, 加上用的磁鐵磁力越大(甚至把Alnico磁鐵改用更強的Ceramic磁鐵), 則拾音器的出力越大, 但高尖亮的音會被削減越多, 所以大多用在重破音很悍的音樂(破音器自然會突顯尖破音補回來), 若要Clean Tone好的, 通常還是會選中小出力的拾音器。

lace的红蓝标的都是双的拾音器音色~~蓝色的是50年代的vintage 音色,银色的才是单的音色~~

[ 本帖最后由 蓝调吉他手 于 2007-3-19 19:37 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-19 19:42:39 | 显示全部楼层
拾音器音色是很個人主觀的, 這些都是Fender Tone, 哪一種是適合你的??, 說實在 要很挑惕的話, 真的要都拿來裝到你琴上過才知, 因為除了Pickup本身的音色差別外,
你那把琴的音性也要考慮進去, 甚至同樣的strat木頭組合Alder body+ Maple neck
+ rosewood或Maple指板, 音性也會有差別, 有的就感覺音性偏亮, ,我认为主要在于吉他手自己开发和应用。
发表于 2007-3-19 22:42:11 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 蓝调吉他手 于 2007-3-19 18:25 发表
和双摇的folyd rose的一样~~~用头 插进去的~~~
卡住的那种。你的7500也不错,三个金色的lace很适合弹布鲁斯,金色功率是最小的,红色的功率最大, 其次是蓝色-银色。蓝色的模仿50年代的双拾音器,弹santana的很像,呵呵,红色的可以弹bon jovi ,银色的玩funk 或者白人布鲁斯,都可以。你的 7500带TBX吗?

 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-20 08:21:30 | 显示全部楼层
7500和9500 原来通利卖 7500是12800,9500 好像13800的~~差不多 稍高 ,你知道什么木头吗??alder?还是ASH?
发表于 2007-3-20 09:56:45 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 蓝调吉他手 于 2007-3-20 08:21 发表
拾音器的一個原理是: 線圈纏繞越多圈, 加上用的磁鐵磁力越大(甚至把Alnico磁鐵改用更強的Ceramic磁鐵), 則拾音器的出力越大, 但高尖亮的音會被削減越多, 所以大多用在重破音很悍的音樂(破音器自然會突顯尖破音補回來), 若要Clean Tone好的, 通常還是會選中小出力的拾音器。

发表于 2007-3-20 11:53:44 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 蓝调吉他手 于 2007-3-20 08:21 发表
7500和9500 原来通利卖 7500是12800,9500 好像13800的~~差不多 稍高 ,你知道什么木头吗??alder?还是ASH?

发表于 2007-3-20 11:58:47 | 显示全部楼层
我的日芬ST54-95LS是三个GOLD的,不但有TBX还有Mid Boost。很实惠。
发表于 2007-3-20 12:01:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wolfkidnew 于 2007-3-20 11:58 发表
我的日芬ST54-95LS是三个GOLD的,不但有TBX还有Mid Boost。很实惠。

发表于 2007-3-20 12:05:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-20 12:24:10 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 beaver 于 2007-3-20 09:56 发表


对的 。如果拾音器过高,磁铁靠弦太近也会影响琴弦的震动,导致声音的变化。
发表于 2007-3-20 12:26:22 | 显示全部楼层
不过LACE SENSOR没关系。爱调多近调多近。
发表于 2007-3-20 12:53:40 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wolfkidnew 于 2007-3-20 11:58 发表
我的日芬ST54-95LS是三个GOLD的,不但有TBX还有Mid Boost。很实惠。

发表于 2007-3-20 13:09:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-20 13:22:45 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-20 14:37:41 | 显示全部楼层
100个精华的版主   钦佩啊  ~~我现在也开始研究fender了
发表于 2007-3-21 09:25:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-21 15:21:47 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-21 20:07:59 | 显示全部楼层
国外网站对 110 9500的评价:
Manufacturer URL  http://www.fender.com/  
Features  9.1 (39 responses)  
Sound  8.6 (41 responses)  
Action, Fit, & Finish  8.6 (41 responses)  
Reliability/Durability  9.3 (38 responses)  
Customer Support  8.0 (12 responses)  
Overall Rating  9.1 (38 responses )

Features : 10
Finish (Satin, transparent, quilted top, flamed top, etc...)
Body style (strat, tele, dreadnought, cutaway, thinline, etc...)
Bridge style (Tune-O-Matic, Floyd Rose, Wilkinson, Tele-style, String-thru body, stop tailpiece, etc...)
Tuners (Locking? Non-locking? brand of tuners - Sperzel, Gotoh, Grover, Schaller, etc...)
Neck/Scale (Fat, Thin, Jumbo Frets, Rosewood, Maple, etc...)
Any included accessories? (Case, gig bag, strap, cable, tools, humidifier, etc...)
What year was it made? Where was is made? (Japan, Mexico, USA, etc...)
How many frets?
Solid-Top? Laminated top?
Which controls are given (volume, tone, 5-way selector, 3-way, tap, etc...)?
Pickup configuration? (S/S/H, H/H, S/H, Piezo, etc...)
Make and model of pickups?
Active or Passive electronics?
Body and neck woods? (Maple, Mahogany, Alder, Ash, Basswood, Koa, Plywood, etc...)
I special ordered a deluxe strat plus in 1994 with the intentions this was the last guitar i was ever going to buy. so I ordered all the deluxe accesories, Ash body, rosewood neck, crimson burst, shaller locking tuners, lsr roller nut, red, silver, and blue lace sensors, floyd rose tremelo, hipshot trem setter, locking strap holders, and the TBX tone control. and a pearloid pickguard. It came with a blue plush hardcase with the strat plus logo on the outside shell. It also came with a toolkit, instuctions on how to set it up and a pretty blue strap and heavey duty 20' cord.

Sound : 10
How does it suit your music style (and what is that style)?
What amps and effects are you using it with?
Is it noisy? On what settings?
Rich/Full sound? Bright sound?
What kind of sounds can the guitar make? How much variety?
Likes and dislikes?
since i played about half clean guitar and half electronic acid rock, i needed a guitar that would suit blues, jazz, and heavey distorted overtoney singing long sustaining acid rock. I use a mid 70's gibson SG tube amplifier with altec lansing speakers. and a peavey profex sound processer. along with a univox super fuzz, morley bad horsey wah, ibenez chorus, dod flanger, morley phaser, and a dean markley mighty mouth. The selling point for me was the lace sensors. when at rest they are stone quiet. no hum or crackles, just quiet. Thers no comparason to a regular strat. This is a pro guitar for pro players. If your playing grunge music this isnt the dirty sounding guitar you would look for. you can get the les paul sound, the SG sound, or if you want the strat sound, just use the silver pickup alone. Also many people dont understand the TBX tone control, its actually a bass cutt not a treble boost. so after the halfway point it cuts off the bass and leaves the highs, makes for a more shrill sound kind of ear splitting. also the lace sensore do not rely on sustain robbing magnets. so you can set them very close to the strings without dampning the string vibrations. very very long sustain. Too bad the lace family took the rights away from fender after the death of doctor lace. but they are still available.

Action, Fit, & Finish : 8
How well was the guitar set-up at the factory? (How was the action?)
How well were the pickups adjusted?
Properly bookmatched top? Properly routed bridge?
Did the guitar contain any flaws? (misaligned bracing, poorly filed fretwire, finish flaws, poor quality wood, rusted or oxidized hardware, loose tuning pegs, poorly cut nut, poorly fit saddle, noisy pickup selector, loose controls, etc...)
personally i didnt like the way the guitar was set up by the factory. the strings were flat across the top so it took more push on the high strings but was an easy fix. under the lsr roller nut was a set of spacers and all that was required was to remove a few so the strings were equal distant from the frets. this makes it alot more easy to play fast and was less distressing on the fingers. also a rosewood fingerboard overtime will swell a little from oils from your hands and makes sliding up and down the neck less bumpy,and less sticky. you maple neck guys know what i mean. the floyd rose bridge is the locking type and hasnt any play that could dampen the string vibrations so it contributes to the long sustain of the strings. If you use a vibrato alot as i do, the LSR roller nut and the hipshot trem setter is a must have. you can dive it to nothing, let it go and its right back perfectly in tune. very impressive. The tremsetter was a little troublesome to set right. you have to remove the center spring and compensate by tightning the other two in order to get the right tension back on the bridge. then you have to use a matchbook cover or playing card to get the right amount of tension on the tremsetter. but if you change the brand or size of strings you have to do all these adjustments again, but once its set you cant beat it. The fit and finish on this one is very good and only the best ones came with the annaversary logo. there were only 1994 total annaversary models in all the catagories made, so not many in any particular style. mine has the logo on the end of the neck and the forty years and still rockin on the neck plate. The finish is the house of color candy red, called crimson burst, that shows the pretty ash woodgrain through its transparent clearcoat. the shaller locking tuners are very fast, you just stick the string through it, tighten and tune. fast and easy. the bridge tuning was a little difficult because you have to hold it down, adjust it, let it go, and try it, and do it again and again until its right. but one its set its done. i use the fender 3250 strings so i havent had to redo the adjustments at all. The lace sensors havent the strong magnets so i set them as close to the strings as possible without interfering with the strings or my pick. makes for good volume without picking hard. so it was somewhat of a hassle to set this guitar up but the results after its done cant be beat.i havent played anything better.

Reliability/Durability : 10
Will this guitar withstand live playing?
Does the hardware seem like it will last?
Is the finish good enough to last, or does it seem thin and easy to wear off with lots of playing?
Are the strap buttons solid?
Can you depend on it?
Would you use it on a gig without a backup?
I have been a pro player for 25 years and i have played many types of guitars. i loved the les paul but i just couldnt have the weight of the thing hanging around my neck for 4 hours a night. the gibson SG is nice but it lacks the tremelo and has a very flat neck radius, so you either love it or hate it. the strat plus bridged the gap for me. i could make it sound the way i wanted it to, was light enough, and had all the latest high tech features. been a flawless performer except the trem is a string breaker so have some spares with you. having the string tool in the trem arm was a nice touch. you could change and tune a string in about a minute. important during a live performance. i like the locking strap buttons so i could push the guitar behind me if i had to change to something else and it wouldnt fall off and hit the floor,its been a dependable guitar and is the last one i will buy.

Customer Support : No Opinion
Ever try and get it repaired? Was it under warranty
How long is the warranty
If you've dealt with the company, how helpful/friendly were they?
havent had to deal with the company. because the music stores have anything i could ever need in stock, but so far all i have bought are strings and picks.

Overall Rating : 10
How long have you been playing? What other gear do you own?
Is there something you wish you had asked before buying this guitar?
If it were stolen or lost, would you buy it again or get something else?
What do you love about it? What do you hate? What is your favorite feature?
Did you compare it to other guitars? Which ones? Why did you choose this one?
Anything you wish it had?
Anything else you'd like to share?
i have been playing guitar for 40 years and pro for 25. i still own the 62 jazzmaster that i played until 94. if i lost it i would hunt it back down. i have played many other guitars and all have thier own qualitys, but this one had the most versatility. if you can get one do it, but take the time to set it up correctly. if your a hard rocking dirty guitar player this isnt the one but if you have to cover whatever the agents throw at you this one will get you through any type of gig you need it to.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-21 20:11:24 | 显示全部楼层
When I first picked this guitar up and played it unplugged it vibrated and sounded very loud. Without even plugging it in I bought it. I have been very impressed with the sound. I play alot of blues and jazz sometimes crossing over into whatever I'm feelin at the time. The sound is perfect with the exception of not getting dirty enough when i want it to. Thats ok though. The soulful sound of the blue pickup makes me use it almost exclusivly. Together with the silver its buttery and warm. I play it through a 66' Bassman Blackface head and a 2x12 65' cabinet. It's classic and I'll keep these always. So I give it a ten on sound since it delivers as promised.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-21 20:13:50 | 显示全部楼层
Aside from creatures like the Parker Fly or others that have the piezos incorperated for blending that elec/acoustic sound, I don't belive you'll find a guitar with more myriads of sound color than a Plus Deluxe...unless you bought the Ultra! I know this is going to sound cliche, but, the Red Lace Sensor is like a single coil on steriods. Its a very agressive tone, nearly humbucker but with a nastiness when its overdriven that screams single coil, very unique sound, and virutally noiseless. The blue is a buttery smooth rich tone...Fender dubbed it "Classic Humbucker": right on. The Silver was meant to emulate the out of phase bridge/mid "strat sound"...and it does just that, emulate it, but it doesn't quite get there in my opinion. By itself it comes close but because of its location, its almost too full in the low mids to get that nasal rip of the sound its deparately trying to emulate. Even in the Red/Silver combo it's close...but not quite. Not that it sucks, because it doesn't...If you never knew, experienced or heard the natural phasing anomoly that occurs on a standard strat you would really dig the sound here as well..which is why I've never swapped in standard Fender single coils, because aside from the one sound you would expect it to make..all the other tones are too good to eliminate the Lace Sensors. Thats the only thing that keeps me from rating this a 10
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-21 20:18:44 | 显示全部楼层
Blue sensor in the neck sounds like a P-90 without the noise. Red sensor in the bridge produces sounds unlike a traditional strat: very aggressive. Silver sensor is the brightest and most strat-like. Position 4 of the 5-way switch is the jangliest. Overall,an extremely versatile guitar.
蓝色的 像一个没有噪音的p90拾音器,红色的不像是单拾音器出来的声音,更像大功率双拾音器的动静,银色的最干净的音色,而且很厚的感觉。一把全能的吉他。
发表于 2007-3-21 21:53:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-28 08:24:50 | 显示全部楼层
蓝色LACE我也最喜欢,很温暖的音色,红色我觉的一般,在后排的音色还是没有双的音色好,遗憾的是,银色和金色的LACE一直没收到。羡慕版主你啊:Q ::L :L
发表于 2007-3-28 09:28:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-28 12:00:51 | 显示全部楼层
看来偶要考虑那把8602了 颜色赞 原来也是lace的 好东西啊
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-28 19:08:23 | 显示全部楼层
看来原来很多人都不了解 lace拾音器  :cool:
发表于 2007-3-29 09:19:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-29 11:33:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-29 12:22:51 | 显示全部楼层
我CAO,你也来这里了.:) 对,金字的风格全面,干什么都没问题.
发表于 2007-3-29 14:06:17 | 显示全部楼层

最近我开始把EXL145 012的琴弦装在我的ST62上了,你还真别说,这音色马上就很SRV,刚刚的了,本来的010马上感觉是啾啾的声音。RG上的009更加听起来像弹棉花。完了,以后估计要越用越粗了。
不过电吉他琴弦那么粗还不习惯哈哈哈哈。你回头也试试,记得E flat调音哦。标准调音没敢,琴颈吃不住阿。60KG不到点的总张力,想想吓人。
发表于 2007-3-29 14:23:42 | 显示全部楼层
SRV:) :) :)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-29 18:03:26 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ffrosty 于 2007-3-29 14:06 发表

最近我开始把EXL145 012的琴弦装在我的ST62上了,你还真别说,这音色马上就很SRV,刚刚的了,本来的010马上感觉是啾啾的声音。RG上的009更加听起来像弹棉花。完了,以后估 ...

不要调到标准音 否则。。。
发表于 2007-3-29 23:06:22 | 显示全部楼层
赫赫,还好还好。新吉他还没有充分Run in。正好让他吃吃重活,以后身子骨适应适应。哈哈,我的歪理。
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