在ebay上拍下一把名叫Taymar的拍子,标签上是Jose L. Salvador Tatay Marti
Hermanos Taymar was founded by Salvador Tatay Martí and Jose Luis Tatay Martí.
Salividor and Jose Luis learnt their skills and craft of hand making fine concert guitars using the traditional methods from their father Emilio Tatay Tomás, son of the Famous Vicente Tatay Alabau who founded the Tatay Guitars shop in 1889.
So Taymar (Tatay - Martí) brand name came from one root of the long reputated family guitars luthiers.
The Taymar company produced many fine guitars, including high quality concert models, but very rare will you find the concert guitar hand made by either Salvador or Jose Luis.
Jose Luis died nearly 30 years ago, and at that time the Taymar Company went into bankrupcy. Salvador is nowdays enjoying his retirement by fishing with his boat in Valencia.